Chapter 17

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The sun has just set, half of the sky is full of crimson clouds. In the current weather, although it's hot during the day, it's cool in the morning and evening. The evening breeze blows across the paddy field and the seedlings in the field swayed.

Wei Yuanhang jumped and walked in front. He couldn't bear it at home just now, so he kept urging He Xiaoyun to take him to go with Wei Jianwei in the movie. Feng Qiuyue was left behind to finished cleaning.

Wei Jianwei is carrying a long bench in his hand. One stool can fit a family of three. Those who go to the movies have to bring their own chairs.

"Mom and Dad, hurry up!" The child ran for a while, when he turned around, he saw that his mother and father were walking slow, he couldn't help but urge. He Xiaoyun walked two steps and said: "Don't run around, come over and I will lead you."

Wei Yuanhang let out a cry and ran over to hold her hand, and without taking a few steps, he took Wei Jianwei with his other hand and said, "Mom, I want to fly!"

"No flying." He Xiaoyun refused without even thinking about it. She had just taken a shower, she didn't want to sweat.

Not discouraged, the little boy let go of her hand, turned to hug Wei Jianwei's legs, and said, "Daddy, hug." He was very shrewd, knowing that his mother said no, he didn't make trouble, instead, he went straight to his father.

Wei Jianwei stretched out one hand to hug him but He Xiaoyun said, "There's no hug either."

Wei Jianwei stopped his movement and looked up at her. He Xiaoyun looked back: "He says he wants to hug so you really went to hug him? It will become a habit. Next time you're away, who will hug him?"

Regarding educating the child, Wei Jianwei naturally lost his right to speak because he wasn't at home all the time. He had to obey her words obediently. At further thought, his father was really unreliable, Wei Yuanhang pouted.

He Xiaoyun held him again, pointed at the other children on the road, and said in a slow tone: "Look, everyone else walks by themselves. Is Xiaoyuan lazier than them?"

The child can't listen to this kind of provocation and immediately said, "I'm not a slacker!"

"Yes, Xioayuan will walk by himself, right?"

Wei Yuanhang nodded vigorously, holding his chest up, and began to walk vigorously.

When they arrived at the threshing floor, the big screen of the movie had been set up, and there were four or five rows of people close to the screen. They arrived neither early nor late and sat in the middle.

There are more and more people, almost half of the brigade is here, there are also people from other teams. He Xiaoyun took a look and found that most of the people from other teams were young people, and they seemed to come on a blind date. Several young girls got together, pointed at the boys on the other end, whispering around at each other from time to time, and letting out a few sweet laughs.

In a row in front of them, two women were sitting. After He Xiaoyun sat down, the women turned around and looked at them a few times.

He Xiaoyun thought for a while and found that the women had some feasts with the original owner in the past. The original owner has a bad personality and can't get along with many people. It's just that during this period, except for work and returning to her family's home, she didn't go out much and didn't meet them. In today's movie, people gathered whether they wanted to meet or not.

"Isn't that Teacher Zhang?" one of the two women said suddenly, her volume wasn't low, as if to let someone hear on purpose.

He Xiaoyun looked up and found that several educated youths on the team were not far away. The teacher Zhang in their mouths, as Wei Jianhua mentioned earlier, was Zhang Yurong who had been Wei Jianwei's blind date. When the original owner forcibly lied to the Wei family, everyone in the brigade knew that even Zhang Yurong had suffered and became the object of people's gossip for no reason, saying that she was robbed of a man by the original owner.

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