Chapter 57: So Handsome (II)

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Wei Jianwei accompanied He Xiaoyun to report to the university in February. The military area is not far from Capital University, but it is also not close. A tram was required to arrive on time.

He Xiaoyun, like a child visiting a park, looked around with delight. This university is a top-tier university in the country. She had only seen it from afar outside the school gate in her previous life. She couldn't help but jump at the prospect of spending the next four years studying here.
Wei Jianwei, fortunately, was with her and promptly delivered her to the meeting location.

He Xiaoyun was a Chinese literature student. Although there should be more women in a liberal art major than men, there are only four girls in the class. It can be seen that women still have a harder time being accepted and studying than men in this era.

He Xiaoyun finally found a seat. "My name is Liu Yangyang, how about you?" said another girl who sat next to her and looked at her with curiosity.
"Hello, my name is He Xiaoyun." She answered with a smile.

"He Xiaoyun..." Liu Yangyang repeated her name, her eyes widening, "You're the champion in the newspaper!" she exclaimed.

Her voice was so loud that it drew the attention of several people. "The newspapers are all exaggerated, so you can't take it seriously," Xiaoyun hurriedly whispered.

Liu Yangyang was excited, and then lowered her voice: "I have read that newspaper several times and crop it out and posted it on my wall. You're too good!"

Seeing her eyes full of admiration, He Xiaoyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"What were your methods? Those exam questions seem extremely challenging to me. Many of them are beyond my ability. Every day, my brother called me pigheaded (dumb) and predicted that I would fail the university exam. I passed, thankfully. He'll tease me to death if I don't."

He Xiaoyun smiled as she listened to the other person, who appeared to be a teenager. This was also demonstrated by the tone and content of her speech.

"Have you just finished high school?" Xiaoyun asked.

"I graduated from high school last summer," Liu Yangyang nodded. "I was about to be dispatched in the south. I was informed that the college entrance examination had been rescheduled before I left. As a result, I was unable to see the countryside.

Liu Yangyang has a curious and innocent appearance that has been a hallmark of well-protected children since childhood. Those educated youths like her who want to go to the countryside have the same passion as her, which is gradually eroded by life's hardships.
"Will you live in the school dormitory?" Liu Yangyang asked her again.

He Xiaoyun shook her head, "I live with my family."

Liu Yangyang listened and became happy, "I also live with mine. I thought that I was the only one!"

Liu Yangyang had previously learned that the other two girls in the class were both living on campus, and she desired to live in the dorms for fear of not fitting in. Her family, however, did not agree, and she spent a long time unhappy.

He Xiaoyun observed Liu Yangyang's lack of fear of strangers. She revealed in a few words that she comes from a good family, is a native of the capital, and has an older brother.
He Xiaoyun was a little bit emotional. Youths are full of vitality at the age of seventeen or eighteen.---

Students can attend one class and then go home after receiving their books because they are not required to attend on the first day of registration.

He Xiaoyun followed the crowd out of the teaching building and saw Wei Jianwei standing by the flower bed not far away, looking up at a bird on the tree.

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