Chapter 42: Night

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During the break, Wei Jianwei and Lao Wang went to the market to buy a big tank, since they didn't know where to borrow a small cart, one person moved the bought cabbages back.

He Xiaoyun had never seen such a big purchase before, looking at the cabbages piled like a small hill, she said in surprise: "So many, can I even finish preparing all of that?"

Xu Lanxiang laughed, "That's just how it is. You have a small family so those are enough."

Seeing such a small hill of cabbages is an eye-opener for He Xiaoyun.


Hearing Xu Lanxiang talks about the method of pickling, He Xiaoyun thought that it's very similar to pickled vegetables, except that they used more salt, and that they have to pour in clear water to make it ferment.

The two of them spread the cabbages with coarse salt and sealed them tightly in the new large tank. After a day or two, they have to wait for the water to dry out and pour some again. After waiting for about a month, if the cabbages tasted sour, they can finally eat it.

Xu Lanxiang counted the dishes that could be cooked by then, such as sauerkraut stewed vermicelli, sauerkraut stew, sauerkraut fish head... just hearing the dishes names made He Xiaoyun's saliva flood.


The next day when the sauerkraut was marinated, the three people received a letter from home and a large bag of dried persimmons.

When He Xiaoyun and Wei Yuanhang left Qingshuihe, the persimmon tree in the backyard was just about to mature. After the persimmons were picked, Wang Chunhua made a special treat for the three of them and sent them over as dried persimmons.

The three people gathered around the fire, reading the letter while eating dried persimmons.

Wei Yuanhang squeezed beside He Xiaoyun and kept asking: "What did grandma say? Does grandma miss me?"

"Yes, grandma said she missed you very much." He Xiaoyun dealt with him casually.

"I miss grandma too," the child said, and then asked again, "Does grandpa miss me? How about uncle?"

He Xiaoyun had to say: "Everyone in the family misses you, even your little sister misses you."

Only then was Wei Yuanhang satisfied and ran to the next door to play.

In the letter, the family wanted Wei Jianhua to enter the factory. They had inquired about it and found a suitable date for him to go, but they've found out that the kid didn't go on his way. Wang Chunhua was so angry that she chased Wei Jianhua with a broomstick.

"Jianhua's temperament is really not suitable for working in the factory." He Xiaoyun casually said to Wei Jianwei.

That child was jumpy and his thoughts were active. But the family wanted him to be on the assembly line all day, repeating the same labor every day? How could that child be willing?

He Xiaoyun knew that in a place like Qingshuihe, entering the factory was the best way, they can eat public meals and it's a secure job. The wind couldn't blow and the rain couldn't get inside. Isn't that more comfortable than eating on the ground? This is the thinking of many people now.

But He Xiaoyun agreed that in a few years, a whole new era will come, and at that time, many smart people like Wei Jianhua will ride on the wind (rise up from destitution) like a fish.

Wei Jianwei agreed with her and nodded.

He Xiaoyun squeezed a dried persimmon and took a bite, and then continued to read the letter.

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