Chapter 39: Invitation

Start from the beginning

"By the way, what are you going to cook?" Xu Lanxiang asked He Xiaoyun.

"Braised pork elbow, sweet and sour pork ribs, pan-fried fish, and three more vegetable dishes. Does sister Xu think this will work?"

"Of course. I have a stove you can borrow."

"Okay, then I will thank sister Xu first."

The two bought a lot of fresh vegetables, bought maltose for each of the two children, and went back home.


He Xiaoyun told Wei Jianwei to invite his guests when he went out in the morning. Seeing his reluctance, she wanted to laugh a little. He obviously had a good relationship with those comrades-in-arms, but why was he reluctant to invite them?


Because Lin Yuefei's office was the closest, Wei Jianwei informed him first. After Lin Yuefei heard the invitation, he exaggeratedly pulled out his ears, "What? Old Wei, what did you say? You'll let me go to your house for dinner tomorrow?"

Wei Jianwei's face darkened.

Lin Yuefei thought about it and soon figured it out. He said with a smile, "It was my sister-in-law, didn't she? She asked you to come and invite us to eat at your home."

Now, Wei Jianwei didn't even want to talk to him.

But Lin Yuefei poked into it more and deliberately said next to him: "Why do I remember that two days ago, someone said that they didn't cook for my meal? Old Wei, what do you think about this? "

Wei Jianwei turned and walked out. Lin Yuefei caught up with him and humbly said, "Old Wei, you're not doing it right. At least you have to give me an invitation. Where is my invitation?"

Seeing that Wei Jianwei continued to ignore him, Lin Yuefei smiled, "There's no invitation? You should at least say a word of invitation. For example, 'Lao Lin, please come to my house for dinner tomorrow.' That's how you do it. "

Wei Jianwei finally had enough of him and reacted. He turned around and stared at Lin Yuefei, and said: "I see, so you're not free tomorrow. I will go back and inform my wife to cook one fewer meal. "

He left after speaking.

Lin Yuefei was stunned on the spot. It took him a long time to recall what Wei Jianwei meant, and he hurriedly rushed to catch up, "Who said I'm not free tomorrow? I'm free! I'm very free. Old Wei? Old Wei! I won't let this go. I was wrong, Old Wei, don't be so stingy! "


In the afternoon, Wei Jianwei ran into Wang Liqiang, the commander of the first battalion, on the training ground. Before he could speak, Wang Liqiang spoke, "I heard that your wife wants to invite us to dinner tomorrow."

Wei Jianwei responded indifferently.

Wang Liqiang patted him on the shoulder and smiled, "Why are you so unhappy? I have heard that after your wife arrived, you stick to her every day. How can this be done, old Wei? "

Wei Jianwei nodded in agreement, and then changed the subject. "I suddenly remembered something. That lady in the cultural troupe back then... Do you think Sister Xu would like to meet her? "

Wang Liqiang's smile became stagnant, but he quickly fought back with a grin, "As soon as you say it, I also remembered that there is a lady from the arts and crafts troupe that likes you. Should I let Sister He and her get to know each other?"

The two played blackmail riddles. Actually, this was no secret. It was a few years ago when the cultural and art-crafts troupe had a friendship with the army troops. At that time, Wang Liqiang was interested in a lady, but the other party and another lady fell in love with Wei Jianwei.

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