Of course, some people choose to walk for two hours to save 50 cents.

Wei Yuanhang sat on the bus for the first time as if he was Grandma Liu that entered the Grand View Garden. Sitting on He Xiaoyun's lap and looking around, he keeps asking He Xiaoyun what is that. When the car started, his mouth couldn't stop chattering.

He Xiaoyun who was holding the little chatterbox just want to give him to others.

The car bumped all the way and the passengers staggered in the bus seat. Although the county is considered to be a city, the place is not big, and there is no trace of tall buildings.

There is only one street with shops. The most conspicuous one is the supply and marketing agency at the intersection, and it also took the name of a department store.

In her previous life, He Xiaoyun was a person who lived in a big city. In her view, this place has nothing to do with prosperity. But after staying in Qingshuihe for a long time, it's hard to see the previous life's scenery.

The places of this era are not what she has seen before, so it is inevitable to look left and right. As for Feng Qiuyue and Wei Yuanhang, they are even more dazzled.

He Xiaoyun calmed her mind first and pointed directly at their destination, the department store in front of them, "Let's go and buy what we need first, and then we take a look at the place later."

When they entered the department store, the three of them looked dazzled again. Behind the bright glass window, all kinds of goods were dazzling.

The salesperson behind the counter was even young and fashionable. He Xiaoyun and Feng Qiuyue, who was the same age were put together in a lively manner.

After a brief glance, He Xiaoyun held Wei Yuanhang in one hand, and from time to time paid attention to the pregnant Feng Qiuyue. The three of them squeezed to the cloth counter first.

Because she didn't know whether the child in her belly was a boy or a girl, Feng Qiuyue didn't buy any floral cloth. Instead, she chose a piece of blue fabric.

He Xiaoyun also picked a small piece of blue cloth and a small piece of dark blue cloth. She planned to make clothes for Wei Yuanhang, a small blue shirt, and a pair of dark blue shorts.

Of course, she doesn't have that much time to sew, she will have to trouble Feng Qiuyue at that time.

After buying the children's fabric, the two adults looked at the colorful silk scarves behind the counter. In the eyes of the previous He Xiaoyun, this kind of silk scarf was earthy and vulgar.

But if you see gray and black dresses every day, you will probably be envious of these cheesy rainbow colors.

After that, they went to buy glutinous rice and then went shopping in the store for a while.

Wei Yuanhang obeyed their early agreement. He looked at the colorful candies and all kinds of novelties that he had never seen before.

Although he said a word or two that he wanted to buy something, if the adult doesn't buy it, he won't fuss about it. In the end, He Xiaoyun couldn't bear it herself, so she bought him a bunch of candied haws, which made the child happy.

After leaving the supply and marketing cooperative, they walked around the street. He Xiaoyun went into a bookstore and take a look. The bookstores in the small county have very few types of books, most of them are "The Chairman's Quotations" and the like. There are no textbooks for students, and there are no tutorial materials.

He Xiaoyun couldn't hide her disappointment. Seeing that it was getting late, they had to walk back to the station.

There is a recycling station next to the station. While waiting for the bus, He Xiaoyun rushed to the recycling station to find old textbooks.

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