Chapter 1: Husband

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The morning by the Qingshui River was always lively. The water is winding and the surface of the river is filled with morning fog. The laundry women were crouched on the shore, and the sound of running water and scrubbing was heard one after another.

After He Xiaoyun washed her clothes, she slung the basin on her waist and walked home along the riverside path.

It is already mid-April, the weather is getting warmer and the rain is gradually plentiful. Yesterday, it rained a little. On the Huangshi Road, there were puddles connected to each other. She watched her steps carefully lest she steps into the mud.

The Qingshui River is surrounded by mountains on one side and fields on the other. The plowed paddy fields are cut into pieces by the ridges. The fields are filled with water to prepare to plant seedlings in the next few days. The breeze gently stirs the water, making small waves. A few people can be seen wading through the water to pick food,

A sister-in-law of the same clan approached, He Xiaoyun who was not very close to her only intended to nod slightly but then the sister-in-law yelled upon seeing her, "Xiaoyun, you're here. Your family's Jianwei is back! Go home now!"

He Xiaoyun felt her heart pound and sink.

The sister-in-law neared and then said to her: "Yesterday they said that Xiaojian is a man who cares for his family. No one can match your family's Jianwei. When he came back, he was commissioned as a cadre but still plant rice. Why is he still so diligent?"

He Xioayun was absent-minded and couldn't catch what the sister-in-law said and nodded her head indiscriminately.

The other party mistakenly thought she was in a hurry to get home and joked: "Look at me, still nagging at you. Go home quickly and I'll come to visit your house later to ask for candy!"

"Then sister-in-law must come." He Xiaoyun forced a smile and staggered away from the other party, she then inadvertently stepped half of her foot into a puddle. Looking down, she saw her grey cloth shoes dipped into the water and covered the surface with mud.

In her previous life, she had never worn such shoes since she was able to earn money.

Cancer had brought her death and had also given her a strange new life. She was now the mother of the protagonist in a book. A role that would never leave her an impression if not for having the same name and surname as her.

It is now 1975 and the plot of the book doesn't begin until 20 years later. At that time, the male protagonist's father was already in a high position and is a big shot. But He Xiaoyun was not that happy to take over such a promising husband out of thin air.

Because the marriage was not a happy one. It was forced by the original owner to marry the protagonist's father, she pretended to fall into the water and let him save her.

What's even more troubling is before coming here, He Xiaoyun had never even held hands with the opposite sex. But now, not only did she get a husband out of nowhere, she even got a three-year-old son! Every time that chubby boy called her mother, she wanted to ask herself: "Who am I? Where am I? What am I even doing?"

If it weren't for the general environment here, she really wanted to get a divorce!

But it's not without fortunate news, At least she had not lived in vain. This alone was enough for her to cheer up and prepare herself for all sorts of trouble

She was never afraid of cancer even when she was dying, why would she be scared of a man? Full of energy, He Xiaoyun strode home again, head held high.

As for the saying "The opposite sex is more fierce than a tiger for a single death house" She conveniently ignored it.

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