Chapter 22

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Naomi's P.O.V

I was discharged a week later from the hospital,  and all I wanted to do was fall asleep and never wake up. The doctor said I hadn't attracted any STI's and I was well enough to go home. Skylar decided to come stay with me in my hotel room as the doctor suggested I shouldn't be left alone.

I was glad Skylar didn't force me to go to her place, and instead insisted we go back to mine. Because I don't know how I'd feel if I went home to a place I didn't feel familiar with.

Chris, Riccardo and April escorted us back home, and even stayed with us.

A few days later after I was discharged, my sister burst in the door, bowling her eyes out. The first thing she did was run over to my side and cried and cried. But i didn't feel anything. I just sat there, and watched her cry.

I was weird, I wasn't even happy to see her here, I was just numb. After a while, Skylar called Audrey and they discussed something with each other. But I didn't care what they were talking about.

Ever since the incident, I've been getting nightmares of that day. I wanted to forget, but I couldn't and it ate away at my emotions and body, leaving me numb and life less. I was tired, but I didn't want to sleep as those haunting nightmares were going to come again.

I tried to keep my eyes open as I watched Audrey and Skylar talking, but sooner or later, I dozed off and my eyes shut.


'You did this to me.' I heard a small voice from a distance. I was in a dark void, with nothing but darkness surrounding me. I couldn't see anything, nor feel anything. It was just me and the darkness.

"Who are you!" I shouted in the darkness. Then all of sudden, I saw a small girl standing infront of me, age six or seven. She looked familiar, but I couldn't quite place a finger where I've seen her before.

"Why are here sweetie are you lost?"  She just stared at me and I looked around in the darkness. "Who are you?"

'I am Naomi." She said in a tiny voice, and it now clicked to me on how familiar we looked. She's me, she's a younger virgin of me. 'You did this to me.'

Suddenly, I felt suffocated, I couldn't breath. My knees gave up under me and I fell to floor, my palms hitting the cold floor that I now noticed was wet.  I painfully dry heaved, and my whole body shook as I tried to take in as much air as i possibly could.

'Naomi, you did this to me!' The voice now screamed and the girl seemed so much closer to me. 


'Naomi! Naomi! Naomi-'

I woke up in a cold sweat, and almost as if my dream was happening in real life, I felt my lungs begin to fill with air again.  I looked around and noticed that Audrey was actually calling out my name. My body shook, and I sobbed into my hands.

"Hey hey Nia it's okay. Its alright. We're here." She soothed me. Skylar was sitting at the edge of the bed, looking at me with a worried expression.

My body calmed down a bit, and I sat up. I noticed the tray in Audrey's hand, and she must've seen i was looking at it because she pushed it towards me.

"Skylar told me you haven't been eating." I looked up at her with a blank expression.

"I'm not hungry." I managed to say, then looked away from her.

"Come on Nia, we all know how much you love food." She pushed.

"I said I'm not hungry." I repeated and layed down on the bed, looking away from them.

"Hey!" A man whom i learnt was Chris, who was Skylar's sibling and apparently the guy my sister was always talking about walked in. I closed my eyes, hoping not to catch sleep again.

He called Audrey and Skylar out of the room, but Skylar refused to move and so it was just me and her in the room.

I felt her stand up from where she sat and I heard some shuffling, before I felt the bed dip besides me. I opened my eyes to see Skylar laying next to me, her worried gaze on me.

"You know you have to eat or you'll be sick." She said. I couldn't find it in me to argue with her, and just stared at her.

Ever since the incident,  Skylar has been so careful with me. She'd ask me before touching me, and she wouldn't force me to do stuff that I didn't want to. I guess that's why she called Audrey,  hoping that she'll be able to make me eat. I haven't had an appetite, and i wanted to vomit everytime I saw food.

I was grateful for Skylar and the way she's been treating me. She took her time with me, and her patience never ran out.

I just wanted to stay in this moment forever with her, just to forget about everything that happened.

I wanted this pain to end.

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