Chapter 3

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The next day, I was excited to go to the office. But I was also nervous because I didn't know how to act around Skylar anymore. I wasn't sure if I should talk to her like before, or act like I know her as a friend. Wait are we even friends?  Wtf are we? I'll not question anything though, because I didn't want to put a label on what we have. I craved more of her.

Skylar gives the best sex, and so i couldn't complain. Yesterday she made me feel things I haven't felt in years, she made me feel things I never thought I'd feel again. Her body did stuff to me that i couldn't quite explain.

I sighed and walked into the office, Skylar already there typing away at her laptop.

"Morning," I greeted and she looked up at me with a small smirk and went back to what she was doing, that hot stupid smirk still plastered on her lips. She knew what she was doing to me and she was doing it deliberately.

I sat down at my table and looked through Skylar's schedule for today.

Skylar requested me to work in her office because firstly, I got easily distracted and secondly we were both too lazy to be running up and down looking for each other. So it was best I come work in her office. Which was tough because even though, I got distracted by her.

A small song started playing in my head, and I didn't know I was singing it out loud until Skylar spoke up.

"Shut up you're making noise. It's distracting." She said in an annoyed tone, I guess we're back to square one then.

"It's not my fault your office is so boring." I muttered under my breath and she seemed to have heard me because her head shot up so quick to shoot daggers at me. Skylar is so intimidating sometimes it's even annoying. I mean yeah everyone at the office is scared of her but I wasn't because I eventually got used to her and her bitch resting face and everyday insults.

"If it's so boring why don't you come here so I can make you sing my name." She deadpanned and I looked up at her. I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks both from embarrassment and being turned on.

I sat there quietly, before she stalked over to me and turned my chair so she was now looking down at me from where I sat. She stared at me for a while with those dark intimidating eyes before she leaned in and kissed me, her hand moving to my neck. I leaned closer to her as I felt her put a little pressure on my neck. At this point, my pussy was throbbing, pleading for attention when the door suddenly opened.

Skylar leaned away from me, but her eyes never left mine. I could see the anger in her eyes, as she sharply turned and looked at whoever barged into her office.

It was Mr Phil, our civil engineer. He was also the manager of the lab group where the machinery was located. He was tall and dark, handsome might I add with silver glasses perched on his nose. He only needs that to read though he is probably still too young.

"Uh sorry to interupt Ms Montgomery and Ms Bishop, Rodgers has requested you to the laboratory. There seems to be a bug in our new bot." Mr Phil said and Skylar nodded before following Mr Phil out. I sighed as I turned around and faced my table, placing my head in my hands. Wtf is happening to me?!


"Nia we haven't spoken in so long!" The chirpy voice said from the other side of the line while I played with my pen on the table. Apparently, Skylar has been gone for a while and I was left all alone in the office. So I decided to call my older sister, Audrey, whom I haven't spoken to in a long time.

"Yeah I know and I'm sorry. A lot has happened since we last talked though so I have a lot to tell you?"

"Well? Tell me everything!" She said and I told her everything, from when I moved here from New York six months ago, when I met my hot boss, my hot boss and i having sex and literally everything that has happened so far. She knew I was gay, but my parents didn't. I came out to her when I was in high school and she has always supported me no matter what. We were three years apart, but everytime we were together it seemed like i was the older one which i always took advantage of.

"Oh my word Nia! So how have you been handling everything?"

"Well, my boss gives the best sex so I'm not complaining." And as if on cue, my said boss walked in. Worst part is i was talking about her. And I didn't want her ego to grow just because she knows I'm enjoying the sex.

"Hey Audrey I'll call you later okay?"


"Byee!" I hanged up and looked at my phone like it had betrayed me.

"Did I hear that correctly or I need to get my ears cleaned?" She smirked as she walked past me to her desk, slumping down on her chair.

I cleared my throat. "Uhm what is going on at the lab? You've been gone for so long." I asked her to avoid the conversation. She only smiled before she closed her eyes and leaned her head back.

"When our system was offline last night someone hacked into our hard drive and planted a bug in the bot. But it's been sorted out, the bug wasn't a huge issue. Mr Rodgers and myself were able to code it out."

"Alright then," I said and pretended to go back to my work. After a few minutes I felt her eyes on me again.

"Who were you talking to before I walked in?" She asked me and I just wanted the earth to swallow me whole right now.

"My sister."

"Does she live with you?"

"No. I left her back in New York when i moved here." I said.

" you don't have any family members here?" She asked me.

"No. My parents are back in Seattle and so is my younger sister."

"Cool, no other relatives?" I shook my head no then looked up at her in confusion.

"What's up with all the questions. I've literally been here for six months you're only asking me now?"

"Mm I wasn't interested before." She said

"But you're interested now?" She leaned onto the desk with her elbows supporting her, that stupid smirk back on her face.

"After I felt how good you taste...yeah I'm interested." I felt the heat rush up to my cheeks and I looked away from her to the phone on my table that was suddenly the most interesting thing in this room.

I heard her chuckle a bit before she rolled her chair away from her table.

"I'm bored entertain me." She said.

"I was singing a while ago but you said it's distracting. There's no pole here I was going to strip dance if you wanted." I said with a straight face, staring at her. I saw a michevious glint in her eyes and i knew I fucked up.

"I have an idea. Undress yourself." She said and I fake coughed.


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