Chapter 5

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Work has probably become my most favorite place. I found myself waking up with a smile every single day, remembering that I am going to see that hard headed boss of mine. Yes, I know it's weird, but I always anticipated the time when she would call me to her table, or walk over to my table and fuck me until i passed out. It made me feel giddy inside. And honestly speaking, I have never in my entire life felt the things that she makes me feel.

But, one thing that left me confused is that she has never let me touch her before, like ever. And even when she is doing stuff to my body she would rather I keep my hands to myself and if not she'd pin my hands and just fuck me even harder. So maybe she has a problem with physical contact I don't know.

It's been almost two weeks since I started having sex with my boss, and these were probably the best two weeks of my life. Even though I wanted more from her, like letting me touch her, but i wasn't sure if that's ever going to happen.

I walked in her office, making sure that I pull my skirt a bit up. But only for her though, not for everybody else. I don't know, but I kinda feel comfortable around her now. Like I could pull shit like taking off my clothes infront of her, because I always got so excited when I saw that hunger in her eyes grow.

I took a seat at my desk, and I felt her eyes on me everytime I moved. Her gaze was unwavering, but it made me feel things so I wasn't complaining.

"No greetings today?" She asked and I turned to look at her. She looked gorgeous like always, her short hair moved to one side, and today she wore a turtle neck underneath her blazer and dress pants with heels of course. 

"You never answer anyways." I rolled my eyes.

"I do. In my head. You've never heard it before? I thought we were soulmates." She pretended to cry and I laughed a bit, but my heart was hammering in my chest. Soul mates? I knew she was just joking, but the thought of it made me shift uncomfortably in my chair.

"Yeah right." I looked away from her. It was quiet for while, until she spoke up.

"Hand me today's schedule." She said and went back to what she was doing before I came in. I stood up and walked over to her table, placing the schedule on the table. She analyzed it before she placed it on the table, giving it back to me withought sparing me a glance.

Today we had a shit ton of workload waiting for us, so the office was quiet. The only thing you could hear was Skylar typing away on her laptop and me pretending to be doing work so I could steal glances at her. Not like i wasn't doing my job, but Skylar was a mere distraction herself.

Later on in the day, Skylar's work phone rang from the table and she picked it up, sounding irritated.

"What?" It was quiet as the other person on the line spoke, and then her eyes widened.

"What? Now?" She sounded shocked, and I looked at her with confusion. Then she rubbed the bridge of her nose before she sighed.

"Okay bring him to my office."

Skylar stood up and took her blazer off, laying it on the back of her chair.

"Who was that?"

"The reception. Matthew is here."

"Who's Matthew?" I asked her and her gaze sharply turned to me.

"The guy I am to marry." She said and I felt all the life drain from my face. So all this time, she had a fiance and she never once told me about him? She's been cheating on him with me? Tf is wrong with her? I looked away from her gaze, and she must've noticed how troubled I am because she walked over to my table and grabbed my chin, making me look up at her.

"We're not married yet sweetie so don't feel jealous. I didn't even know I had to marry him until a few days ago." She shrugged and then walked away from my table.

Sooner or later, the door opened and in walked the said Matthew. He was tall and blonde, his blue eyes matching so perfectly with his hair. He stood tall in his dark tuxedo. He smelt and looked wealthy. I could never compete with him, I had lost the battle before it even begun.

"Heyy sweetie," he said in a overly happy voice and attempted to hug Skylar but she only moved away from him.

"Don't touch me."

"Okay we're not there yet. I'm Matthew Renault. Your father sent me here for your hand in marriage, Ms Montgomery."

"No shit Sherlock," She didn't seem phased at all, and I almost laughed at all the attempts he had to make Skylar blush or be overly interested in him. She walked over to her desk and sat down, rolling her chair closer to her desk.

Not gonna lie that turtle neck was really doing something for her boobs.

Matthew finally got out of his high horse and walked over to Skylar's desk, now noticing me.

"Well what have we got here. Hi!" He waved his hand. His excitement makes me want to puke. I waved back and went back to what I was doing.

"That's Ms Bishop, Bishop this is Matthew." Skylar said and i nodded my head.

"Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are though." He tried and i almost laughed at his attempts at flirting. Skylar only stared at him, unphased. Matthew cleared his throat, and then fixed his blazer.

"Right. As you know, Mr Montgomery sent me with the hopes of an alliance. I am the owner and founder of the Renault company which by the way, is producing billions upon billions each year. So, with our alliance, we'll be able to combine our two companies and multiply the billions! Just picture this, cars with AI, literally everyone would die for that."

"You're too late. Apple has already figure that one out." She deadpanned.

"Yes I know. But we could make ours more advanced, with specialized features and everything you could ever imagine!"

"Is that what you came to tell me?" She looked at him straight in the eye, her gaze unwavering. Matthew didn't back off, and stared back at her. Two predators in one room, I wonder how it's going to be when they get married. 

"All I'm asking for is your hand in marriage, Montgomery." He smirked. "It's all that I need. No paperwork, just you."

Skylar rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair, resting her arm on the armrest.

"Mm I'll think about it."

"Great! You do your thinking, and I'll be waiting for you darling." He blew a kiss at her as he stood up and fixed his tuxedo. He went out of the office, but not before sparing me a glance and closed the door behind him, to which I happily sighed. I glanced over at Skylar and i noticed how troubled she looked.

"His happiness makes me want to shit rainbows," I randomly said, and Skylar looked up at me with a smile on her face. A genuine smile not a smirk. I've never seen her smile before.

"Same." She sighed and leaned her head back, closing her eyes. I smiled a bit, at least I was able to help her feel a bit better...hopefully.

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