Chapter 13

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After Skylar and I reconciled, we had hot make out sessions until it was dark outside. She decided not to go back to work for some unknown reasons, and my pancakes were left untouched. But that is also because my famous chef decided to make me a cuisine that made my taste buds burst.

And now, we were just laying in bed talking about meaningless things. She grew comfortable around me, and allowed me to touch her now. I was grateful for that.

"Mmm I feel like taking a shower," Skylar suddenly spoke up and I looked at her from where i lay on her chest. I just loved how big and full her breasts were. Feels like I was laying on a pillow.

"The shower is right there." I gestured to the door in the bedroom. "You can go shower now."

"Yeah." She stretched her body. "But thing is, I've been so bored in the shower alone lately."

"Montgomery, do you want me to take a shower with you?" I asked her and she smiled, nodding her head like a big baby.

"Yes please."

"You're annoying." I rolled my eyes and got off the bed.

"Wait where are you going?"

"To start the shower where else?"

"So you're going to take a shower with me?" She asked and I threw a pillow at her.

"You're such a big baby sometimes."

"That's coz I'm your baby." She smirked and started making faces, which caused me to laugh and throw another pillow at her.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the shower on, waiting for the water to warm up. Once the water was hot, I walked in and let the water relax down my stiff body. 

A few moments later though, I heard Skylar enter the shower behind me. She walked up to me, and I felt her breath on my shoulder which caused a shiver to run down my body.

I felt her hand slowly trail up my arm, before she planted a hot kiss on my shoulder. I shivered as I closed my eyes. I almost moaned when I felt her grab me by my waist and pulled me into her. She planted another hot kiss on my jawline, before she slowly and agonizingly placed my wet hair on one side.

Her breath was fanning my face, and I tried my best to control my breathing, but when she suddenly turned me around I completely stopped breathing.

Her beautiful dark eyes were staring down at me with so much lust I couldn't handle it anymore. I stood there, just staring at Skylar who stood before me with all her naked glory.

Skylar is beautiful that I wished I could take a picture of her in my mind so I could live in this moment forever. Right here, right now, I wanted to give her my all. 

Skylar slowly pinned me to the glass wall of the shower before pushing herself closer to me, her leg placed carefully in between my legs.

She leaned in and kissed my cheek, before moving to my jawline then my shoulder agonizingly slow. Finally, she captured my lips in hers again. I tangled my hand in her short hair when I felt her hand on my waist.  She didn't remove my hands from her hair this time, and let me hold it while her leg started moving slowly between my legs.

I broke the kiss when I felt her leg start moving faster and loud moans left my lips, while she proceeded to kiss my neck and shoulder blades. I pulled at her hair when I finally came all over her leg.

Skylar kissed me, until my breath slowed down and she smirked before planting a kiss on my lips again.

Skylar then took the shampoo from the soap compartment and poured it on my hair. I smiled when I felt her hands massage my scalp. I wanted to live in her arms forever.


"Okay what about this one then?" Skylar came out of the closet wearing my lady bug pajamas and I could've sworn I almost died of laughter. 

The shirt was so small that it hugged her boobs so tight, almost as if she couldn't breath. The pants were so high up on her legs and they couldn't even cover her whole ass.

"Skylar stop. You're going to stretch my favorite pajamas." I said once I cooled down.

"Wait but I love what it does for my ass though look." She turned around and I couldn't agree with her more. Her big round ass displayed right in front me.

"Look though the buttons are going to burst." I said as I noticed how strained they were.

"Damn Bishop why do you even have these?" She chuckled as she attempted to squat in the pants but she couldn't even bend her knees.

"Because I like them." I whined.

"Wow so I'm going to have to stay naked because everything in your closet is literally baby size." She said and she walked back into the closet.

"I'm not baby size! And besides I don't have a problem with you sleeping naked." I said and i saw her head pop out of the doorway before she wiggled her eyebrows at me and I threw a pillow at her.

"Yoo you woke up today and chose violence huh?"

"Shut up Montgomery. Hey can I ask you something?" I asked and she came out of the closet wearing a white gown that was big enough for her. She sat on the bed next to me and ran a hand through her hair.


"Why do you still call me Bishop?" I questioned.

"Are you not Bishop?"

"I am. It's just so weird though. Because even when we're not at the office 'Bishop this Bishop that'. I don't think I've ever heard you say my first name before." I said and she chuckled, ruffling my hair. I shooed her hand away.

"I do it to annoy you baby."

"So you're never going to stop?"

"Not in a million years."

"You're annoying you know that?" I questioned as she stood up.

"This is like the third time you're telling me that. I'm going to make food what do you want?"


"Have you always been this adorable?"

"Have you always been this hot?"

"Shut up."

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