Chapter 11

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"Okay woah Nia let me get this straight. Your boss right? Ms Montgomery, started having office sex with you...and now you're mad because she told you there's nothing going on between ya'll?" Audrey asked for the 5th time now.

After my whole episode with Skylar, I decided to call my sister just to vent a bit because there was so much on my chest and I don't know why but i just couldn't cry.

"No you don't get it." I shoved my face in my pillow as I started realizing how stupid i sounded. "The thing is..."

"The thing is what, Nia? Don't tell me you are gaining feelings for your boss." She deadpanned.

"That's the thing Audrey I think I do have feelings for her and it's driving me crazy because I know she'll never see me like that." I whined.

"Nia..." She sighed. "Do you want what happened to you with Alex to happen again?"

"No Drey it's not like that. I don't...Skylar is different from Alex." I said.

"How so? Because I feel like she's treating you the exact same way Alex treated you. Do you know how hard it was to watch you cry on my shoulders every night only for you to run back into her arms when she called?" She said, sounding disappointed through the phone.


"No Nia. When are you going to look around you? You can't just fall for everyone. Some people are bad and they are going to hurt you. Do you not understand that?" She said  and I sighed as I realized she was right.

Alex didn't just hurt me, but she broke me. She promised me the world, and when I found out she cheated on me she apologized so much i caved in, but even after that she continued cheating on me. She did it infront of me, and then came to my face and told me I'm the only one when she knew I wasn't. She was just using me for her own selfish benefits.

But Skylar was different. She cared. And if I didn't want something she didn't force me into doing it. She even asked me for a safe word for fucks sake!

"I do understand Audrey. But...can I ask you something?"


"When you...have-" I cleared my throat, "you know uhm...anal sex, how do you stop the pain?" I asked and I heard Audrey cough from the other side of the line.

"Nia what the fuck! You made me choke on my coffee!"

"I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized.

"Sometimes I forget how stupid you are." She said between coughs. "No but like...on a serious note it'll get better. By tomorrow you'll be enjoying the pain actually." She said and it was my turn to cough now.

"Ew no don't tell me about your's and Chris's sex life the fuck."

"Oh shut up Nia. You're such a crackhead sometimes. But seriously though, I am begging you to not let Ms Montgomery-"


"Whatever. Don't let her use you like Alex did. Stand your ground and tell her how you feel. If she doesn't reciprocate your feelings then just forget about her like you did with Alex. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you." I smiled. "You're amazing...okay sometimes I don't like the fact that you steal my meat during Thanksgiving and you know how much I love meat."

"Geez it was only one time Nia! One time!"

"Yeah whatever." I rolled my eyes. "Send me food next time you have money."

"You're rich you can do whatever you want. Leave me alone."

"You're annoying."

"Nia, I'll beat your ass." She threatened.

"I dare you."

"I don't have time to fight with you. I have to go. I love you, and remember what i said."

"I love you too. Bye." I said and hanged up.

My sister is amazing honestly. I remember how badly our parents treated us when we were still living with them, but our bond never once faltered. Ever since we were kids we've been so close to one another and everytime she has a problem she calls me or if i have a problem I call her, and lately I've been doing most of the calling.

When we were kids, my sister and I promised to push no matter what stood in our way. She opened her own fashion industry, and I was an assistant to a multi billionaire so that turned out great. The only thing that didn't turn out great was our sex lives which just gets pretty messed sometimes. But then again, every time we meet up we just laugh about it.

My youngest sister is still at school, and Audrey and I are helping her finish her studies so she can be dependent too. It's kinda messed up though because my parents refused for her to come live with us. But it's okay, soon enough she'll leave that hell hole too and be able to live her life.

My parents weren't particularly bad, but they put so much pressure on us it's almost suffocating. When it was the finals they literally freaked out because they didn't want us to tarnish their well built reputation and so we had to pass with amazing distinctions or it was nothing. We we're severely embarrassed infront of everyone if we even got a B-.

Funny how they were so mad about Audrey's career choice until her business started blooming and produced millions per year.

But in all honesty, I'm glad i got out of that house, because I'm not even sure I'm ready to tell them that I'm gay.

Falling for her (GxG)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant