chapter 27

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Author pov...
Almund started moving he got out of the room and reached Chris room with no difficulty.
"Why is this so easy" Almund muttered as he touched the door and started purifying the curse and soon the door unlocked.

"Chirs!" Almund shouted as he entered. "Almund? How did you get here?"

"No time to explain let's get Alex first"

"How did you break the seal?"

"My elements are healing and plants but I can purify curse and any magic seals"

"Then Remove my seal aswell!" Chris shouted exited he could use his magic again.

"?" Almund had question mark written on his face.

"Well the bitch of a prince sealed my magic somehow since you can break it please do so" Chris explained.

"Sure come here it won't take a minute"

Soon Almund broke Chris seal. "I can feel mana thank you Almund"

"Now let's get alex and get out of here" Almund said as they walked out of the room and cautiously reached near alex room.

It was guarded by two knights. "Shit..." Chris cursed under his breath.

"How do we get alex!?" Almund questioned Chris.
"We can get alex wait.... My area.." Chris said softly. Area around him till the knights started glowing. "Sleep" Chris ordered and soon the knights fell asleep.

They went inside the room to see alex sleeping. "Alex..  wake up" Almund was shaking alex trying to wake him up as Chris guarded the door.


"Your up! Fast we don't have time to waste we need to escape" Almund said as he broke the seal around alex heart. "I can feel my mana!"

"No time to waste let's go fast!" Chris whispered he can't have the Prince know that they escaped or god knows what those psychos will do.

"Yes move move move!"

"But how will we run?" Alex asked as he looked through the window there was only forest.

"Through the portal we learned to summon"

"But Chris that's dangerous it costs a lot of mana"

"Still we have to it's do or die we will make a portal with the distance from here to somewhere in the forest and then walk till we reach a place where humans live a small village or something" Chris explained his plan.

"First Almund lock the door using plants that no one can enter or exit" Chris continued.

"Okay sir!"

"Alex you make the portal so I can be up and fight if something happens and please try to keep the distance as far as possible but not too far"

"Okay brother!"

(With some woodoo magic alex started making the portal confident that it will work but the prince they were still in the palace hehehee

Felix pov...

We were discussing on how to keep mael calm when I and Lucas ofcourse he is here felt mana and a lot of dark mana.

The only few people who knows how to use dark mana are Chris and alex who are present here...

Shit shit shit

We both ran near the room I locked alex just to see it was locked and guarded by a lot of plants.

I cut one plant four more grow. "ALMUND FUCKING BLANCHE OPEN THE DOOR YOU BITCH!" I shouted knowing only Almund knew how to manipulate Plants like this.

"Fast!!" I shouted but I heard no answers.

Lucas then made a big sphere of lightning and threw it in the plants as they burn I could see the door but with a second the plants grew more than before surrounding the hallway.

Author pov again...

As both the prince were trying to break the door the portal behind the door was successfully made.

"Chris will enter first than I and alex  together since once we enter the portal it the plants will disappear we have to be quick the plants can't hold longer so goo" Almund said as Chris went first and the door bursted open

Alex grabbed Almund and jumped in the portal before make eye contact with the second prince who was smiling.

No not smiling like a normal person but like a maniac as he signalled alex 'you me together and the rest dead'

The dead was probably the royal family beside his brother and alex faimly beside the siblings everyone.

Now they will turn into real maniacs as their clones made by Lucas will keep their name shining high and they the real ones will kill all who get near them and their beauty.

(Who will win the love which is still unknown to alex for Felix or the manics who is craving for alex and Chris)

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