chapter 23

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Felix pov

I went out after his reply. I need to prove him that I love him. But how..? Someone I know who knows this place... Lucas??

No! That will be the worst choice ever. Even if the world comes to an end I will never ask him for love advise.

Maybe Almund?.. yeah him he and mael are already dating. Gosh I'm so jealous of them sometimes like how? I guess mael made the move or Almund? Anyways I'm will get Almund now.

I summoned Shawn and Fay. "Yes your highness" "get Almund" I said

But the pair got the wrong idea and...
         !!!dam dam dam!!!!

Almund pov..

After the dillon twins were "kidnapped" again the whole school went on a quarantine. Me mael and everyone present in the dorm are under surveillance. Knights from the main order of the royal family are gaurding us. After that incidence. Even though it have only been 12 hours.

I was actually shocked when I woke up I was still in the dorm. I looked around  Chris and alex were missing. I waited for half an hour and Sabrina started to get up I immediately acted dead.

She came towards princess sumaiya woke her than me. I woke mael up and the rest.

I'm in my room currently. The head butler is there with me. He is a former knight so father asked him to be with me. I was reading a book. "Mister butler" yes I call him mister butler because why not.

"Yes young master?" He replied with a warm smile. "Can you ask someone to get me some cookies? I'm carving for some reason" "sure" he said with a small giggle 'its so cute to see older people giggle'

He went out of the door and that's when I sensed some unknown mana.

"Young Master Almund... The Prince is asking for your presence immediately" one of them said. "I thought I was pretty clear when I said I don't want to get into this" I replied as I continued reading they came toward me when I rang the emergency button.

"I guess you don't understand simple English"

"and I guess young master doesn't like to co-operate"

"I will give you a chance to get out now"

"And I will give you a chance to come with us calmly"


"You leave us no choice than.." they came near me I was ready to fight but when they came what they did I couldn't guess anything.


"Young master!" The head butler entered to see his young master vanish right in front of him.

He was gone only for five minutes and the prince took his young master. 

Lucas pov...
They came within an hour. But Almund was knocked out. "What did you do?" I asked them. They simply said that he was not cooperating so they knocked him and bought him here.

No no no If mael gets to know his apple of the eye is missing he will definitely expose us.

I went to Lucas and told him about Almund and how he kinda bought him without his and mael consent and how fucked they are.

They immediately called mael. "Where is he!?" Mael shouted. I swear I heard the magic stone crack because of the loud voice.

"Calm down mael Almund is with us he is safe" I said
"Come here if possible don't make restless move just because your Almund is not there"

"I swear mael if you make any reckless move I will personally fucking kill your Almund" Lucas warned. "And obey what I say because I will do what I say" "then get me out of here too!?" he said.

"Do you think it's a piece of cake to get you out of there?" "Yeah it is and even get princess sumaiya and young lady Sabrina you can learn a lot from them" he said as he disconnected.

I know author notes can be really annoying but I could barely write this chapter I wanna write more but I won't be able to  I have exams coming so I'm sorry but please don't leave this story I will be back soon

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