If he breaks it, his heart breaks too (Jack Manifold|Tommyinnit)

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This oneshot may contain inappropriate language and/or sensitive scenes. If a warning needs to be added please let me know.
Side note — For: @Nycto_nyx
Warnings — Alcohol
Content Creators — Jack Manifold and Tommyinnit
Jack stands nervously outside Tommy's apartment, the emergency keys the boy provided him with in hand.

No one has heard from Tommy the past week. No calls, texts, tweets, DMs, posts, streams- nothing. It wasn't just worrying fans; it was worrying everyone. Tubbo, Charlie, Phil, and especially Jack.

He and Tommy, since living so close, tend to hang out quite often throughout a week. Whether it's to stream, go for lunch, or just editing in silence (which is never usually silent). So him, having no contact with the blonde for a bit over a week, is just the topping of the cake.

And since living so close, it was decided that Jack would check up on him. But that's not to say there wasn't a fight on who would check on Tommy. Tubbo was quite persistent but backed down since he lives much further away than ideal. Ranboo had offered to check on Tommy too, only living a bit further away than Jack, but he must've heard the desperation in Jack's voice because he wasn't too insistent after Jack reasoned why he should be the one to go.

Now Jack hesitates. He's unsure on what he's going to see when he walks in. It may just be Tommy editing, having one of those weeks where he likes to be alone. Or it may be something else entirely, and Jack is desperately trying to keep all the positive scenarios circling in his mind.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Jack raises the key and inserts it into the lock, twisting it and unlocking the door. He shoves the keys deep into his pockets and grabs the handle, opening the door quietly and slowly.

The smell of alcohol wafts through the air, tumbling out into the fresh air provided by the open door. The strongness of the scent causes Jack to stumble on his feet, feeling light-headed. He groans, giving a slow massage to his forehead before walking into the dark room.

Jack finds the light switch and turns the light on. The dark room fills with beams of light, and nothing looks out of place. The apartment is relatively clean besides the empty cans of Pepsi left on the kitchen counter.  There's no sign of the alcohol that fills the room or the boy that owns the apartment. His heart rate slows down to an almost normal bpm, an uncertain sense of relief washes over him. Maybe he was wrong, it's not alcohol, just a strong scent that smells similar... he shakes his head, not right now, his worries should be on finding Tommy.

"Tommy?" He calls out, slowly walking further into the apartment. He approaches into the lounge room that looks as if it hasn't been entered in days, by that he means its freakishly clean. Jack knows Tommy well enough to know that that boy is anything but clean, he's always somehow got traces of dirt no matter what they do. The same goes for his apartment, while it isn't normally a pigsty, there would be controllers left on the couch, cushions taking up space on the floor instead of the couch and papers full of drawings scattered across the coffee table.

"Tom...." He goes to call out once more, but the words die on his lips. He pauses, listening for the sound again for conformation. There it is again. A quiet, muffled sound- like a cry, coming from Tommy's room.

His heart pumps in his ears, goosebumps running up his arm. He turns his head to face the room, no light shines from under the door. He nervously approaches the door, lifting his fist and knocking upon the door. "Tommy...?"

No response but the continuous muffled sounds he's been hearing. Jack, without hesitance, grabs the doorknob and opens the door.

He nearly throws up as the strong scent of alcohol pours out of the room, stronger than before. Jack squints, trying to prevent the oncoming headache and to adjust his eyes to the darkness of the bedroom. The, undeniable, sobs and hiccups echo the room and Jack can just make out the silhouette of the blonde huddled on his bed with the quilts. Tommy hasn't seemed to notice the opened door, or the small amount of light filling the otherwise dark room, or Jack.

Jack's hand searches the wall next to him for the light switch, eventually landing on it and turning the light on. The room fills with light, joining the rest of the apartment.

Jack's eyes widen as he can make out everything in the boy's room. Empty bottles of alcohol reside on the floor next to the packet of full ones and scrunched up tissues seem to have joined them on the floor with no real goal.
On the messy bed, Tommy is curled into himself with a bottle of half drunken alcohol in hand. His hair is stuck to his forehead and has clearly not been washed in days. His face is full of dried tear stains along with new ones dripping from his chin. Alcohol stains his clothes. He looks so... broken.

Jack's heart breaks at the sight of the blonde- who's much younger than him and shouldn't be feeling the need to drink his problems away - fuck he shouldn't even have these types of problems. He takes a soft step forward, not looking to alarm the boy but somehow doing just that.

Tommy's head shoots up, his bloodshot, hazy eyes fall on Jack's figure. Jack tenses as if he just got caught for trespassing. Tommy's face dropped when he caught sight of Jack, like he shut down and became numb. They hold eye contact for what Jack thinks has been a minute before Tommy's face changes. Tears bubble and brim in his eyes as his bottom lip quivers.

"Jack!" The boy begins to sob, downing the rest of the bottle of alcohol. The alcohol dribbles down his face at his attempt to drink it, though most was successfully drunken. Jack immediately jumps into action and grabs the bottle out of the hysterical boy's hand before he got a chance to throw it across the room.

"Tommy- Tom, Jesus Christ mate." Jack mutters under his breath as he places the bottle onto the desk.

Tommy's drunk. Tommy's actually drunk. Jack lets that sink in. He never thought so see Tommy like this- not drunk, but so... broken as he put it before. He always expected Tommy to get drunk at some point after he had turned 18, but not like this. He expected it to be at a party, or a get together where Tommy felt like he had to prove he's not a lightweight and started downing alcohol- something stupid like that. Never did he want Tommy's first time getting drunk to be like this.

He gets dragged out of his thoughts by a thud, followed by hysterical laughing. Jack blinks and looks at the floor. Tommy's sprawled out on the floor on his back, laughter disturbed by hiccups spill from his lips along with incoherent talk.

"Shit- Tommy!" Jack panics, diving for the floor and lifting Tommy's head onto his lap. He tries checking Tommy over for a concussion, but he doesn't think he'd be able to if he tried. Tommy's so out of it and his eyes are glazed over, both signs of concussion and signs for drunk. He's just got to keep the boy awake and make sure he doesn't do anything else to hurt himself.

"J'ck 'm 'ssed 'ou," Tommy slurs, looking up into Jack's eyes and Jack smiles softy.

"I missed you too, bud. What happened here? Where did you get all the alcohol from?" Jack softly inquires, knowing he's more likely to get answers while the boy's drunk then when he's sober.

"Mmmmm u'know f'om the... th... yo've g't b'ue eyes, 'ike me."

"Yeah, like you." Jack laughs softly, "Tommy, I need you to focus for me bud, what's happened here? Why are you drunk?"

The boy's face scrunches up in though, 'I d'n't... mmm sad- ve'y * s'd." he hiccups.

"Why's that?" Jack cups Tommy's face and wipes his tears. Tommy's mouth opens and only noise comes out, no words that Jack can make out. "What's that, bud?"

Tommy furrows his eyebrows in frustration, "Mmhm s-s'd don' 'ow!" he huffs.

"That's- that's okay." Jack attempts to comfort but loud sobs erupt from the younger and tears bubble down his face. "Hey- hey! It's okay- Toms, it's okay." Jack rubs the boys back as Tommy wraps his arms around Jack's neck and cries into his shoulder.

"No! t's nowt!" Tommy's attempt of a yell is drowned out by the hiccups and sobs escaping through it.

"Okay.. okay, it's not. It's not okay. But it will be." Jack promises, hugging the boy's back.

Jack doesn't know what's wrong, and maybe he never will, but that promise is going to hold his heart, and if he breaks it, his heart breaks too.
Hi! Leave a request if you have one
I hope you liked it! @Nycto_nyx

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