Tour (Crimeboys)

695 22 17

This oneshot may contain inappropriate language. If a warning needs to be added please let me know.
Side note — I'm back! I'm also back at school so updates might be once a week. This is written in third person, I think I might start doing both first and third, thoughts?
Warnings — none
Content Creators — Tommyinnit, Wilbur Soot, Ash Kabosu, Joe Goldsmith and Mar Boardmen.
Lovejoy's going on tour. Wilbur's going on tour. Wilbur's going to America for two months.

Tommy knows he's being unreasonable as he swallows the lump in his through and blinks back tears. It's only two months. He's had to wait and last longer than two months on their last tour. But it doesn't change the fact Wilbur's leaving him again.

He takes a step back, his eyes refusing to meet the dark brown pair before him. He doesn't want to look at Wilbur's bright grin and the sparkle in his eyes. He doesn't want to look at how excited Wilbur is to go venue-to-venue in America and play his music for all attending. He doesn't want to look at his brother because he knows he'll feel guilty. Guilty because Tommy can't find it in himself to feel happy for Wilbur. Guilty because he selfishly wants Wilbur to stay here... with him.

Wilbur's smile falters to a worried frown. He glances back at his three band mates who seem to be just as confused. He brings his attention back to Tommy. The blonde has his eyes glued to the floor with an unreadable expression. Well, an unreadable expression for most, but not for Wilbur.

Wilbur can tell by the way Tommy's eyes shimmer with nothing but sadness - the way Tommy's bottom lip trembles just slightly - the way he's rocking back and forth on his feet slowly - Wilbur can tell by the way Tommy isn't meeting his eye that he's... he's sad. He's sad because Wilbur's leaving him. Wilbur hadn't spared a thought to think about how Tommy would and has been affected by him going on tour until now. He was too caught up on how exciting it's going to be touring America again that he was too selfish to realise that maybe... maybe Tommy doesn't want him to go? That maybe Tommy hates when Wilbur leaves him for months at a time, unable to talk like they usually do due to the different time zones.

Wilbur blinks back his own tears and tears his gaze from the younger boy. He needs to talk to him. He needs to talk to Tommy, but he needs the band to leave. Wilbur turns just enough so he's facing his band.

Ash sits on the corner couch with his phone, which was previously being held in front of his face as he was going to record Tommy's reaction to their news, resting on his lap as he shares worried glances with Joe and Mark. Joe's now sitting up right from his laying position on the bigger couch, his fingers fiddling with his guitar pick as he was strumming chords on his guitar before Tommy arrived at their studio. Mark doing the same with his drumsticks, although before, he was tapping on the wooden coffee table with them instead of the drums from his seat on the floor.

Wilbur manages to collect all their eyes, starting from Joe to Ash, and sheepishly motions for them to leave. He doesn't really want to kick the band from the studio, he needs to. He needs to talk to Tommy alone. He doubts the blonde would want them to know about any of this anyways.

Ash gets it first, being the master of body language he is, and swiftly but quietly gets up from his spot on the couch with Mark and Joe in tow. They give Wilbur gestures of no worries in response to his mouthed sorry.

Once the door quietly shuts behind his bandmates, he's quick to approach Tommy.

"Toms?" He kneels down so Tommy's just that bit taller than him. Tommy's eyes flicker to him and then back to the floor in a matter of seconds. At least he knows Tommy isn't too stuck in his thoughts that he can't hear him. "Tommy?" He says softer, holding Tommy's hands in his own.

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