Spider (Sapnap)

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Side Note — This is before George goes to the US. Sapnap and Dream are the only ones living in the Dream Team house.
Warning(s) — Panic attack and Arachnophobia
Content Creators — Sapnap and Dream
Sapnap POV
I've been streaming Valorant for a bit over the hour, winning around three times. It's been good so far, chat's been nice, and I've been answering any questions they ask if I see them, bit- basically a QNA.

Game over| you lost

"Dammit." I groan, leaning back into my chair and place my hands atop of my cap.

I look to chat and all they can supply is 'L'. I simply roll my eyes and get ready to play the next game, but I notice something in the corner of my eye. Something big. Something black.

My breathing hitches and my breathing becomes unsteady. I start sweating. Trembling.

What do- what do I- oh! Oh, the bug spray.

I look around, scanning my desk for the spray that I always keep there, no matter what.

Where- where is it? I need it now. Fuck.

I look to the big, big, big spider that's on my carpet floor.

I bring my legs up to the chair and to my chest so there no longer dangling off it. I glance to my monitor and chat's going slightly crazy as I have face-cam on this stream, and they can probably see my panicking.

"Uh- jus- just one second chat." I try to smile, turning my face-cam off, switching the game screen to a black one and muting myself.

Where else could it be? Draws?

I search through all the draws I can reach without being close to the ground. Okay, okay great. The spray can't be found. So, back to where I started. What to do- what to do. I could call- that would be if I have my phone on me, which I don't. I could run for it- no, most definitely not.

I look back to where the spider was on the floor. It's like I can see the world turning, dizziness filling my vision. It's not there. It's moved. It's moved. It's moved.

I try and blink away the dizziness and avoid the queasy feeling in my stomach. Okay, okay, so no phone, can't run for it, what can I- Discord! Discord. Oh, thank fuck. Discord.

I take a long, jagged breath and open up discord. Please be online. Please be online. He's online. With my legs still up close to my chest, I click on Clay and I's DM's. I press on the call button and wait as patiently as I can for him to answer.

"Nick?" Clay's voice comes through the call.

"Clay- Clay, I need you here now- right now." I blurt straight away.

"What- are you okay?"

"I- I just need you here now."

"Yeah- yeah okay. What's happening?" He asks, voice full of worry.

"There's like a- a." I take a deep breath, "a big spider, big." I emphasis.

He's aware of my fear of spiders so I hope that hurries him up. It's been quite a while since I've gone into a panic attack about one. Yeah, there have been little spiders here and there, but they don't really bother me. But when it comes to these big- massive evens spiders, expect panic to ensue.

"And I can't find the spray anywhere, and I can't see it anymore and- and I should be fine right? I'm on my chair so the spider shouldn't be able to reach me- wait, oh shit. Spiders can climb? Can't they? Clay get the fuck here now." I begin to panic more, now standing on the chair and looking around.

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