Antarctica (Dreamnotfound)

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This oneshot may contain inappropriate language. If a warning needs to be added please let me know
Warning(s) — Blood and Emetophobia
Content Creators — Dream and Georgenotfound
Dream POV
Antarctica probably isn't the best place to visit when you have strep throat, the flu and a chest infection but here I am. It was a chance to go somewhere that not many people have been before and an excuse to hang out with some of my friends, of course I came. Though, most of the time being here I've just been bedridden, but I do sometimes feel up to doing activities with the others outside.

We've had snowball fights, we played around with the knifes for cutting the ice and we pulled each other around in a makeshift taboggan. George, Karl and Nick have started digging what they hope will be a very deep hole in the snow, with a bit of help from Chandler. I saw it when they first started but I came back here to the tent not too long after because I began to cough up blood again, and I still am along with phlegm. This has all been while Jimmy and Nolan venture up a mountain, they've only been gone maybe four hours, so we still have probably have a bit less than a day before they come back.

This is amazing news for me because I get this whole tent to myself for the next however long. I was supposed to be in a tent with George, Nick and Karl but because I'm sick as fuck, I got put with Jimmy and Nolan while Chandler swaps place with me. It's definitely for the best- don't get me wrong, I would love being in a tent with those three, but in the state I'm in it isn't the best idea. Their idea of sleep is staying up all night talking and being as chaotic as possible. My idea of sleep is sleeping. Plus, Jimmy wants to keep an eye on me in case I get worse.

But, well, he isn't exactly here anymore, so George is half looking after me. He has absolutely no clue what to do when I start coughing my lungs out, but it's cute that he tries. I'll be coughing 'till my throat starts burning and he'll try his best to comfort me with words no matter how hard it is for him, it usually ends with him hugging my waist until I stop.

At least with my sickness it's not contagious, if it were then I think I would've lost my mind by now. I've already had to part with not being able to cover George with kisses, but if I couldn't be anywhere near him? Might as well dig myself a grave.

"Are- are you alright.. now?" George asks hesitantly, pulling his arms away from my waist. I hum and move the small bin away from my face to the side of me.

"I think that was the worst one so far." I croak, rubbing my neck as if it would help. George hums sympathetically and pull my head into his lap, gently rubbing his fingers through my relatively greasy hair. You can't really shower in Antarctica.

My throat burns from all the coughing fits I've had, which has got to be at least fifty by now. Half of those coughing fits either end with me coughing up phlegm or coughing up blood, sometimes both.

"Do you want something to wash it down? A drink? And we still have a few snacks from the secret stash." George asks softly, a small grin at the mention of our secret stash.

It's not exactly secret per say because most of us know about it. Us being me and George, Nick, Karl, Chandler, Nolan and some of the film crew. Jimmy has yet to find out, we've hidden it inside one of the bags in George's tent, we're planning on putting it into the whole their making once it's done. It just contains a few big packets of chips along with bags of candy and chocolate. The usual. Add that to the list of reasons why none of them will be able to sleep.

I would accept the offer without hesitation, usually anyways. But I just haven't got the appetite. I haven't had an appetite this whole trip. I've been pretty much forced to eat whenever dinner and such comes around, the thought of eating anything makes me feel sick.

"Do we have any soft drink around? I don't care what it is, but I know water won't get the gross taste out of my mouth." I scrunch my nose in disgust.

"Uhm," he looks around the tent, "oh! Pepsi?"

I hum and sit up, allowing him to crawl over to one of the bags that has an unopened soda sitting to the side. He fumbles a bit, trying to pick it up with the thin layer of gloves because although we're inside, it's still chilly. He huffs in frustration and rips the gloves off his hands, chucking them to the side and grabbing the Pepsi.

"Here." He holds out the can, looking slightly annoyed as I wheeze. My sicknesses way of laughing. "Shut up." He huffs, forcing the can into my barehand.

"Thank you." I say, opening the can and raising it to my lips. I take a few slow sips as George gets comfortable back in his place next to me. Each sip hurts as I swallow it down, so after a few I hand the drink back to George. He takes a sip himself, which is stupid because there is still a chance he can get sick, before placing it on the floor of the tent, which is quite uneven because of the snow underneath so he wiggles it into the floor so it stands.

"Idiot, you can still get sick." I comment, sending him a look. He simply turns his head to me with a slightly raised eyebrow and his head tilted to the side in confusion. I shake my head with an eyeroll, "You just drank the drink I drank, there's still a possibility of you getting sick even if it's not contagious."

"I don't care, maybe then I could kiss you." He says nonchalantly, or that's how he's trying to get it to come across. He's looking off to the side so I can't see his face, but I can tell there's some sort of a smirk along his face and his face is a hint of pink. His ears always tent to turn a bright pink when he's embarrassed or blushing.

"Awwww, does Georgie miss my kisses?" I tease with a light wheeze. He elbows my side painfully before turning to face me, a light shade of pink ear to ear. "Okay okay." I chuckle.

George leans in, not to leave an invisible mark on my lips unfortunately, but he wraps his arms around my neck and leaves no distance between our bodies. He rests his chin on my shoulder, his head leaning against mine. I wrap my arms around his waist and bring him in closer if that's possible.

"I love you." George says softly.

"I love you too."
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