Low Blood Sugar (Bench Trio)

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Side Note — I do not have Low Blood Sugar so I'm getting all my information off of the internet, do correct me if I'm wrong.
This is also set last year when Ranboo was living in the UK with Tubbo
Warning(s)- Low Blood Sugar, Swearing and fainting
Content Creators — Tommyinnit, Tubbo, Ranboo, Billzo, Aimsey
Tommy POV
"No-no I don't think we can legally do that" Ranboo says trying to reason with Aimsey, Bill and Toby.

I don't know what they're talking about really, I've been kind of zoned out the whole time.

"What do you think Tommy?" Someone I think Toby asks me.

"I-umm-what was the question?" I ask nervously but he simply repeats it.

"Should be break into build-a-bear since it's closed?" He says with a grin, but a sigh and head shake from Ranboo.

I consider it, build-a-bear? Hell yeah, breaking in? Now however fun that sounds I don't feel like getting into legal trouble. I really don't know why I'm considering it, there's no way we'd actually do it.

"Fuck yeah!" I yell getting all laughs in return.

"No no no," Ranboo says making an X with his arms, "we are not breaking in, it.is.illegal." He states.

"Awwww" Aimsey and Bill whine.

We continue walking on the streets while they think of something we can do. I stay a bit behind them following slowly.

Tubbo POV
"What about bowling?" Bill asks along with our other options.

"Nah, we're gonna be doing that soon anyways for Ranboos birthday remember?" I say.

"What about—" Aimsey goes to say but I don't hear the end of it when my attention turns to Tommy.

I continue walking with them like normal but I look out the corner of my eye and Tommy's following behind.

He's seemed so zoned out since around 20 minutes after we left home. Maybe he's just tired? Or did we do something to upset him?

I worry a bit more but I realise he's stopped moving. I stop walking and the others do too.

I turn around to face Tommy and the others just have a confused look on their face.

"Tommy?" I ask but he doesn't react.

He seems a bit dazed, I move closer not expecting the body that crashes into my arms.

Everyone moved closer calling for Tommy to wake up. I can't see his face but from that reaction he must have passed out.

I kneel slowly to the floor and rest him on my lap.

"Is he okay?" Ranboo asks also kneeled in front of me.

"I'm not sure" I say honestly because I don't, "he's been a bit zoned out since we've left home".

"I noticed that too" Aimsey pipes in and the others nod.

I tap his face gently trying to get him to wake up and it works! His eyes slowly lift open.

"Hey Tommy" I say softly and he groans in return.

"Hi Tubbzo" he responds coming back into the real world and I chuckle at the name.

"Are you alright? What happened?" I ask softly.

"Yeah I'm alright..not sure what happened but I got dizzy and my-like my seeing-vision was blurry and then black" he says in response lifting his head up a bit.

"Do any of you have water?" I ask looking up to Aimsey and Bill.

"Uhh should do" Bill says and takes his backpack off his back looking through it, he passes me the bottle and I pass it to Tommy.

"Thanks" he says and takes slow sips.

What could have possibly happened? To make him dizzy and- oh ohhh.

"Hey Tommy?" I say.

"Yeah" he responds still sipping at the water.

"When was the last time you ate?" I say hoping he gets the hint.

"Why would that mat- oh" he says simply when realisation hits.

"Yeah big man" I say with a soft laugh, "come on let's get you up and get you home, well my place" I say lifting him up with me and I wrap his arm around my shoulder.

"Nooooo I'm fine Toby" he whines.

"Yeah sure you are," I say with an eye roll, "Ran can you carry Tommy?".

"Uh yeah I can" he says, he comes to me and picks Tommy up bridal style as he whines.

The others seem to know what's going on and give us some space.

"We're gonna take Tommy home and stuff" I say gesturing to the direction we're going to go in.

"Yeah no problem, let us know when he's good as knew and we can go to build-a-bear!" Aimsey says with a bright smile.

"Legally this time!" Bill says with a laugh.

"Will do, see you guys later!" I exclaim.

After we exchange our goodbyes we start walking towards my house.

Ranboo POV
We start walking towards Toby's house while I have Tommy in my arms. His head is resting against me with his arm around my neck holding on.

"You okay Tommy?" I ask Toms since I haven't really said anything since I picked him up.

"Yeah I'm alright Ranboob" he says with a grin while I shake my head.

"Please don't call me that" I sigh and I can tell Toby's trying not to start giggling.

"What do you want to eat when we get back to my house Toms?" Toby asks.

"I don't know really, umm something salty? Or sugary? Both work" he says and Toby hums.

"Okay I can work something out" he replies probably having something in mind already.

Tommy yawns softly and just looks tired.

"You tired?" I ask and he nods.

"We're almost home, you can go to sleep and we'll wake you up when foods ready?" Toby says earning another nod from Tommy, not even a minute later he's asleep.

"God he must've been really tired" I say quietly and Toby nods.

"You can always tell because he's not his usually hyper self, it happens whenever he's tired or his blood sugars low which I'm assuming at the moment it's both" he laughs a bit at the beginning but then goes into an explaination.

"Yeah" I say simply and quietly as to not wake him.

I look down at him and he's so much more peaceful when sleeping, I know it's a clique thing to say but it's so true. 

Toby seems to know what I'm thinking and we both share a small smile at the thought.
Hi! Hope you enjoyed! Do leave requests if you have one and have a lovely day/night

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