Fracture (KarlJacobs)

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Side Note – This oneshot is based off: Survived A Plane Crash on the MrBeast Channel
Warning(s) — Minor Injury and swearing
Content Creators — KarlJacobs, MrBeast, Chris, Nolan and Ludwig
Karl POV
"Wait-where is this river?" Jimmy asks while looking at what the Drone sees on the iPad. We've been at the crash site for maybe less than 10 hours now? So around 21 hours to go.

"KARL!" I hear my name being yelled from the forest and the others hear it too. It's probably Ludwig, we sent him an hour ago to get some wood for the campfire and there's no one else who could possibly be screaming my name from the forest.

"Is that Ludwig?" Jimmy asks looking towards the forest, I shrug looking over my shoulder at the forest. From what the drone saw it looks as if it goes on forever.

"Okay Karl, I'm having fun with the drone, you go save Ludwig." Jimmy instructs.

"Eye eye captain!" I say, with a weak salute. I jump off the plane wing and run into the forest alone.

Ludwig shouldn't be too far out as we told him not to incase, he and the cameraman get lost, and because none of us have our phones (we wouldn't have any service anyways) it'll be harder to find them. We could probably use the Drone Jimmy's got to find them though. Wait! That would make for such a good idea! Like we could play hide and seek out here and the seeker can use the Drone to find the other players! We could probably do it wherever it doesn't have to be in this forest. I am such a geniu-

I get pulled from my thoughts when I hit the ground and taste dirt. Great. I can still hear Ludwig calling out for me. He doesn't seem too far away thank God because my ankle's starting to hurt a little bit, I probably just twisted it, nothing too bad.

"COMIN- " I start but get interrupted by a scream- my scream. I went to stand up and keep running but as soon as pressure went down on my right foot a flare of pain went up my leg and I've fallen to the ground.




I hear the crew yelling my name, they sound worried, and I would be too if one of my friends screamed randomly after heading into the woods.

I try to stand again but instantly wince in pain and fall to the ground again.


I scoot over to the tree that's conveniently close to me. Maybe I did more than twist my ankle, I hope it's not broken because we're filming a hide and seek video in another few days.

Jimmy POV
We had been playing around with the Drone and counting how much water and food we had left until we heard Karl scream from the forest.

"KARL!?" I yell right after the scream along with Chris and Nolan, the cameramen have already stopped recording and look around seemingly just as worried as us.

"Let's be calm about this, we can't just rush in there with no clue where Karl is." I say, trying my best to sound calm. I rush over to the Drones iPad and search for Karl. The others seem to notice what I'm doing and surround me.

"There!" Chris says pointing to Karl on the screen. Hopefully Ludwig's reached him already and is making sure he's alright.

We all start rushing into the forest in the directions the drone went and eventually see him sitting up against a tree. He has his right leg sitting out in front of him with the other to his chest. His heads lent back against the tree with a few tears.

"Karl!" Chris exclaims and crouches by him along with myself.

"Shit man." Nolan says standing behind us.

"Are you okay Karl?" I ask, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah- it's just- it's just- I think there's something wrong with my ankle?" He points to his right ankle. "It hurts to stand on it."

"Can we take your shoe off to take a closer look?" Chris asks receiving a nod in return.

I sit on my knees and gently pull Karl's Nike shoe off while Nolan takes my place, putting his hand on Karl's shoulder. Meanwhile Karl's wiping his tears off his face with the sleeve of his Spirited Away jacket.

Once the shoe's off, I pull off his white sock so we can all see his ankle.

Dear god that is definitely a fracture, the bone's sticking out more than it should and is a bit swollen. We all wince at how painful it looks, and Karl seems to tell.

"That bad huh?" He laughs dryly, God knows how he's not sobbing right now.

"Yeah bud, it seems fractured." I sigh softly not trying to alarm him, he looks at me with mostly pain but some annoyance.

"Dammit," He groans, "I really hoped I'd be able to make it for the next hide and seek video."

"I'm sure we'll be able to do something so you can still join." Nolan tries to assure Karl with a soft squeeze to his shoulder, he seems to appreciate the gesture because he smiles back at him.

"Do you mind if I touch it- gently -and you tell me the pain rating out of 10?" I ask and he nods in response.

As I go to touch it Karl sucks in a sharp breath, preparing himself.

As soon as my fingers meet the (swollen) skin he heavily winces.

"Fuck-sorry-shit-sorry- yeah that's definitely a nine on the scale." he sucks in a breath.

"Alright, Chris can you carry him back? We must have a med kit back at the crash site. Nolan can you please try and find Ludwig? He's been gone for a while." I say and as soon as it leaves my mouth Chris is up and ready to carry Karl and Nolan's already off to find Ludwig.

"I'm going to need some help, Jimmy; I don't want to hurt his ankle when lifting him up." Chris says bending down at Karl's head.

"What do you need me to do?" I ask, as he explains the best way to carry Karl without hurting his ankle, I follow his instructions.

We eventually manage to get Karl carried bridal style by Chris. Karl has one arm wrapped around Chris' neck to hold on and the other by his side, his head is resting on Chris' shoulder and I'm not entirely sure how that's comfortable.

"Finally..." Karl mumbles as we make it out of the forest with the crash site in view.

We lay him down on the grass next to the wing while Chris goes to find the med kit. When he returns, I look through it until I find some bandages and Tylenol.

"Okay we're going to have to wrap this around your ankle, squeeze Chris' hand if it hurts too much." I say as he takes Chris' hand.

Once his ankles wrapped, I grab some water from our supply and put two Tylenol tablets in his hand.

"Thanks" he says as he pops the pills into his mouth and washes it down.

"Now what do we do?" Chris asks looking over at me concerned.

"We don't have any signal and we have around 20 hours until rescue comes so we'll have to wait it out. Sorry Karl." We should've thought about if this happens.

"Don't worry about it Jimmy." Karl says calmly, patting my shoulder.
Hi! Hope you enjoyed! Do leave requests if you have one and have a lovely day/night

Words — 1254

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