Ow, fuck (Sapnap)

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This oneshot may contain Inappropriate language, if a warning needs to be added please let me know.
Warning(s) — Injury and mentions of blood and stitches.
Content Creators — Sapnap, Dream and Georgenotfound
Sapnap POV
"Hey, do you guys want milkshakes? I was planning on making myself one." I ask, taking my legs out of the pool and standing up.

"Umm, can I have a vanilla one please?" George asks and I nod, looking at Clay for his response.

"I'll have the same." He smiles and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Ya'll are so boring." I say as I open the sliding doors and make my way to the kitchen.

"Hey Alexa, play something from my Spotify playlist." I call as I start grabbing the ingredients for the milkshakes.

The song, which I think is called 'Heart-Shaped Box', starts playing and I start to head bop to the loud music.

I place the milk and vanilla ice-cream on the counter, the only reason I'm not having chocolate is because I can't be bothered to make two different batches. I bend down and open the cupboard to find the blender.


I grab the blender and check my phone.

'Turn the music down, we're going to get a noise complaint😐'

I can automatically tell that it's George who send the message without even checking the name, he always uses perfect spelling and punctuation and will call us out if we don't.

I smirk and send back 'nope' before turning my phone off.

"Hey Alexa! Turn the music up!" I call over the already loud music. The music volume rises, and I can no longer hear the sound of the washing machine from the other room anymore.

I absentmindedly start opening the ice-cream, heating up the scooper so it's easier to scoop the ice-cream. My head bopping to the song has transformed into me also screaming the lyrics. Anything to piss off my best friends, right?

I move over to where I left the blender, I open the lid and go to bring it over to the ice-cream tub and the power point, not really thinking about where I grab it.

"Ow, fuck." I hiss, dropping the blender on the ground instantly. I couldn't hear it drop to the floor over the music so George and Clay probably wouldn't have either.

I look down at my hand, I grimace at the pain and sight of it. I must've grabbed the blade of the blender by accident. The slice is a perfect straight line along the middle of my hand, oozing with blood.

"Alex! Turn off the music!" I yell, not being able to handle the loud music with my panicking.

Okay shit, what the fuck am I supposed to do?

Holding my hand out, palm facing up, I pick up the blender with my other hand, slightly seeing some blood on the blade. I place it into the sink and stare at my throbbing hand.

Fuck it hurts. I could wrap it with something? But aren't you supposed to use a disinfectant cream or something first?

My vision turns somewhat blurry with tears. This is one hundred percent the worst pain I've felt in my life. I blink my eyes to get rid of the tears clouding my vision. The only option I really have is to call for the others, I groan at the thought.

I grab a one of the tea towels lying around and wrap it around my hand.

I walk out of the kitchen and open the sliding doors once again; they stop mid-conversation, noticing my presence. They look at me confused, not seeing my wrapped hand because I've hid it behind my back.

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