Start from the beginning

"Thank you, sir" James said before getting in the car. He stared at the steering wheel trying to remember lesson that he got from his Dad.  After all he just learn to drive from his Dad because he wanted to take you somewhere in muggle style.

He looked to the passanger seat to see Khianna still fast asleep. James could only smile

Khianna shifted in her position turning to James.

"Adorable..." James mumbled staring the car as he began to drive.


"Come on!" James stated excitedly, dragging Khianna up the hill.

But of course, Khianna wasn't supposed to be running or being active. Her heart condition can be scary sometimes. So, Khianna pauses saying to James, "I'm tired" She said.

James turned to look at her.

"Doll, you were sleeping for 3 hours" James gave her a look of 'really'.

"Oh, shut up" Khianna exclaimed, breathing heavily. "You have been dragging me up this hill and it's steep" Khianna breathed out.

"Come on! Just hurry!" James said as he continued to drag Khianna up the hill. And Khianna could do nothing but let James drat her and she tried to run and keep up with him

Now, they were on a flat surface. James went behind Khianna, covering her eyes.


"Do you trust me?"

"Of course, I trust you" Khianna answered.

"Alright. Take slow careful steps" James instructed and Khianna did as she was told. James said nothing as she guided her every step. Until James stopped making her stop.

James took his hands off her eyes as Khianna opens were eyes to see a picnic set up under a beautiful tree.

"Did you do this?" Khianna asked looking at James.

"Had a little help" James answered looking behind to see Sirius, Remus, and Peter as they wave their hands giving a thumbs up before running off to give the couple some privacy.

"This is so sweet of you, James"

Khianna turned around to look at her lover's blue eyes.

"Anything for you, Darling" James whispers to Khianna lovingly, holding both of her hands. It made the young Stark smiled at the Potter boy.

"Come on. Let's eat!"


"You are just full of surprises, aren't you, Potter?" Khianna stated teasingly making the other laugh.

"We haven't really had a proper date since we officially became a couple, you know" James winked at her making Khianna laugh.

"One last thing... turn around" James said and Khianna did. She turned around and there the sky was changing in colors and the sun was setting, disappearing in the calm waters of the earth.

"It's so beautiful...." Khianna whispered. She has always adored sunsets. Preferred sunsets more then sunrises. She loved the night more than the day. She loves stars making Astronomy her favorite subject. This made her stand up to her feet, admirinf the scenery before her.

She loved anything involving the sun, moon, stars and the entire galaxy because for her there were millions of stories that are left untold by the sky.

"Mavis said you liked sunsets. She knew this would make you happy" James whispered to Khianna's ear. Standing behind him, his chest pressing on her back.

Khianna felt her chest throbbing in pain as he placed her hand above it. Feeling her heart bit but also to try and stop and ease the pain a bit. Sunsets... the one thing that reminds her of goodbye.

Seeing it reminds her that she would have to say goodbye to her beloved soon.

The thought and the pain made tears fall from her eyes as she wipes the falling tears.

"My chest feels like it's about to explode" Khianna sobs as James looked at her. So, Khianna faces him.

"Thank you, James. You made me so happy" Khianna said with a soft smile on her face. "I will never forget this my whole life until I die" She said as her lips quivered.

James cups her face with a smile on his face "You aren't allowed to die. We will still come back here because this is where I will marry you" James said. And that only made Khianna smile but her heart ache knowing it was all impossible.

"Tree, the sea... the sun will be our witnesses" James said as Khianna sniffles "Promise me we will come back here"

Khianna nods her head as she sniffles "I will try to not go home early... to not die early for you" Khianna whispers. Though her words confused James, that was enough for the latter to smile. Trusting his love.

"We will come back here" Khianna smiles "We will come back here" She was assuring James and herself. As James a wipes a tear that fell gracefully from her eye.

"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it?" Khianna said looking at the sun that was half way gone.

"Khianna, I can't breathe...." James whispers as Khianna looks back at her love.

She smiles at him, sniffling. "I love you too..." Khianna whispers back to him.

James leans in giving her a kiss on the forehead. Khianna closes her eyes, savoring each moment that she had with him.

James pulled away before pulling Khianna in a hug. And they were in each others embrace not planning to let go of the other any time soon. Because time is of the essence. Time is ruthless.

She's Dating A Marauder || James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now