......unaware that two famous brothers had spotted her and were watching with amusement and curiosity on what she was doing and more specifically...wondering who she is.

She was crouched right behind baji and the other two; chifuyu punched kazutora, so he was down. Her eyes spotted the metal glint discarded on the floor and quickly snatched it before anyone could see before hiding behind the broken yellow car once again. She was glad those boys were too into their own discussion to even see her.

(y/n)'s heart was pounding loudly as she now had to figure out how to get out of here without being seen...which looked a bit more difficult than getting in. She sighs, clutching the knife close to her. She didn't understand why she would risk herself in such a dangerous environment but these boys mean a lot to her and especially to her boyfriend; mikey.

She continued to watch as the fight went on and baji was taking on thirty men from kisaki's division.

"oya?..what's a pretty girl like you doing here, hm?" She hears a deep voice speak from behind her and turns around in shock, seeing a male with purple hues and two side braids crouching right behind her with a closed eye smile, standing behind him was another male with purple hues but he had blue and blonde hair with glasses, he was staring down at her nonchalantly.

"uhm...." (y/n) looks down, clutching the knife even closer to her body, which the two boys noticed but didn't say nothing, she looks back at the fight, "i don't want to see my friends hurt..." she timidly says.

The taller male with braids hums, gazing at her with curiosity, eyebrows raised, "...it's a fight, darling, they're bound to get hurt." He points out with a lazy grin.

(y/n) huffs, turning away from the two brothers and facing the fight, "just go away! i saw my friend get stabbed just now so i want to make sure no one seriously gets hurt!" She didn't want to talk to them anymore, they don't understand a thing.

The two boys stare at her for a moment, seeing the worry in her eyes. The one with glasses shrugs before gesturing for his brother to follow him. They decide to leave her alone, what she does is none of their business, they're just there to oversee the fight.

The (h/c)-ette see's baji collapsing on the ground, coughing out blood. Her eyes dart to mikey, seeing the short male focus his eyes on kazutora, he attacks the banana-haired male, punching him repeatedly.

mikey looks down at him with blank obsidian eyes,
"If destroying important things is all in your head, I'll
destroy you right here and now." The blonde kicked
him, causing kazutora to fly back. He approached
him again, and did the same thing.

"besides killing my brother...you dare to come near my girlfriend?!" He rose his voice, stalking towards the bananaa-haired boy; the male being tossed around by
mikey, who delivered kick after kick, before finally
sitting on his waist and lifting an arm and punching
him, over and over again, "what were you hoping to accomplish, hm?..you wanted to take away another precious person to me, you fucking scumbag!" His voice grew darker. "I will never let you touch (y/n)-chin again." He hisses.

"manjiro...." (y/n) mutters to herself, wide-eyed, as she listens to her boyfriend.

"MIKEY!!" baji suddenly shouts, causing all the
attention to go to him. He gave a weak smile, "you got mad for my sake." He proceeded to push chifuyu away, heading down the cars to walk towards them.

(y/n)'s ears perked up when she heard the faint sounds of an ambulance approaching, she smiles in relief.

baji then collapses to the ground feeling his body weak, he clicks his tongue. He was trying to find the knife kazutora dropped earlier from when he stabbed him but it disappeared. His attempts (sacrificing himself) to dissolve the conflict between his two dearest friends going in vain,

takemichi, seeing the situation, got mad at mikey and kazutora and begun shouting at them, trying to make them see reason, his eyes teary and wet. It wasn't until a familiar charm that only the toman members know revealed itself...

Both valhalla and toman hears sirens approaching and begun to quickly run to avoid being caught. The winners of the fight were definitely the latter.

As the commotion was happening, (y/n) runs out from her spot and towards baji, takemichi, mikey and the others. They were shocked to see her appear out of nowhere.

"(y/n)-chin?!" mikey exclaims, going towards her, not after loudly commanding the others (including takemichi) to leave as the sirens got closer, he stands in front of her, grasping her shoulders tightly with his hands, eyebrows scrunching, "what the hell are you doing here!?..didn't i tell you not to come here!?" He demands.

She hugs him tightly, uncaring what he says, "...i was worried..." she whispers, eyes getting teary when she sees his wounds.

mikey sighs, wrapping his arms around her securely as he talks, "i know...but what you did was reckless, you could've gotten hurt and I would've..." he trails off, clenching his jaw tightly as he tries not to think of the 'what if's.'

The only one's left in the junkyard was her, mikey, baji and kazutora just as the ambulance and police cars arrived, "let me do all the talking, you three stay quiet." She firmly instructs them.

The boys watch as the (h/c)-ette explains the situation to the authorities, lying on some parts though as she tries to make it seem they were ambushed...the cops believed her, instructing the medics to tend to their wounds right away.

Because of her...kazutora did not go to jail but had to attend therapy...baji was alive...and everything was okay...

A/N: Enjoy!! Any questions???

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