Part 17

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-"I need people to help! Our mine workers have been attacked by Na'vi." - Quaritch said by the radio. 

          Alarm activate and rumor started. Samsons and AMP suits pilots runned to their vehicles. 

-"Come on people! We don't have much time." 

          Vita went with them. She got a mission to find wounded people and help them. It wasn't hard when she got Taronyu with her.

          After two minutes most of them were out.


           It took them around five minutes to arrive at place. 

          They saw lots of machines on fire and peoples running around. 

-"Vita, go help injured. Rest of you going with me." - Quaritch commanded. 

          Vita jumped on Taro and they went to find humans in need. Unfortunately most of the wounded were dead. 

         She was disappointed in herself but still wanted to help them. As she was walking around she saw Sylwanin. It was clear for her that it's just teens riot and adults for sure don't know about it. 

          She started to think what to do with it. If she let them fight with each other many of them die but it take long time to go to the village for adults. 

-"Vita to Tsu'tey. Do you hear me?" - she tried to contact him.

-'I hear you. What's wrong?' - he asked right away.

-"Listen, you need to go to your adults and tell them that group of teenage Na'vi attacked humans mines. They are killing each other. If they won't come here right now many kids will die."

-'Of course.' - he said and as quick as he could he runned to tell them about it.

         Vita jumped back on Taronyu and tried to contact with Lyle or Quaritch. 

-"Colonel! Do you copy?"

-"I do. What happened?" 

-"Na'vi that attacked us are teenagers. Don't hurt them too much. I called my friend and he'll tell adults to came here to stop them. Focus on defense, they should be here in couple of minutes." - she said and started running in their direction.

         Quaritch think for a moment and then turned to his people. 

-"You heard your captain. Focus on defense and try not to hurt those kids."

          She and some soldiers in AMP suits tried to get kids in one place. They successfully got most of them in one circle. 

-"Hey, listen. We don't want to hurt you but you need to work with us. Please stop it." - Vita tried to cool down the whole situation. 

          As they got a little bit scared they stopped and listen to them. Unfortunately only the ones that heard it. 

          Rest of them still were doing what they wanted.

          Their adults arrived after like ten minutes. Kids stopped what they were doing and got closer to the rest. 

-"I see you, Eytukan. Thank you for arriving so quick." - She greeted him and bowed. 

-"I see you. Thank you for telling us about it. We were wondering where are those kids. We'll take care of them." - he said shortly and walked closer to those kids.

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