Part 11

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Next morning

          Lyle took Vity to dr Augustine. He needed to show them what he saw last night. 

-"Morning. Doctor can we, can we talk for a moment?"

-"Sure what is it?" - she left documents she was holding and came closer to them. 

-"So am... Maybe I just show it. We need to go to some dark place with no light. Just a quick thing." - they went to storage. 

           Vitys' face and hairs started glowing again.

-"So I found out this really cool thing. It wasn't there before and ahh ... I couldn't untangle her braid so it's like stuck right now. And ah ... what you think?" 

          She looked at her for longer time. 

-"Well, lets firstly go out of this room." - they went back to laboratory.

-"I don't know what happened yesterday and I have no idea what is this. All I can do is ask what happened then give hypothesis and make blood tests."

-"She didn't wanted to talk about it, even to me."

-"Well, I'll take some blood for tests." - Greace went for things she needed.

-"Vity, we really want to know what happened. We can't read your mind and we want to help. Please tell me what was that." - he kneel next to her.

          She shake her head and looked down. Lyle didn't know what to do.

-"Would you say it to colonel?" - He propose but she kept her place.

          They went to separate room. Greace took some blood and told them that they can go. Vita still didn't wanted to say anything.


          They went outside. Lyle didn't really know what to do with her.

-"What do you want to do today?"

-"I don't know. I'm still tired." - She said and crouched down.

-"Well, I don't know what happened yesterday but you don't look good. Today's day for you to recover. Whatever you would like to do just tell me." - he picked her up and they went for a little walk.

           After half of hour they came back to base. Vita didn't want to get off his arms so they were just chilling together.

-"You remember what day is today?" - he said when saw notification on his phone. 

-"Not really."

-"It's your birthday." - he sat her down on the countertop.

-"Really? ... How you know when I was born?"  

-"Those information were in notebook your mom left."

-"Can I see it?" - she asked.

-"I don't know, I don't have it. It's in colonel office probably." 

-"I want to know my parents." - she sigh slowly.

-"Me too. Like, I understand that they could die or something but who leaving their kid this way." -  he mumbled.

          She looked at him not knowing what he meant by that. Before she could ask someone walked in and she didn't want them to hear it.


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