Part 2

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          As they walked inside the building, wind blew into girls hairs and left them on her face. 

-"Why Zdinark didn't made your hairs today?" - he asked while fixing her hairs.

-"She didn't had any time in the morning. And I forgot about this after longer time."

-"Isn't it disturbing you? Do you want me to make something up?"

          She nodded for yes. They went to cafeteria. 

          It was lunch time but Lyle decided that firstly he make her hairs. As everybody was eating he was trying his best to make a braid.

-"You're wasting your lunch break, you know?" - his friend said when he saw them. 

-"I'm not wasting it, I need to do this 'cause Z-Dog didn't had time today to take care of Vity." - He replied while being super focused on his work.

-"Ok. I think it's done."

          Vity touched her hair to see how it's done. It was kinda uneven but she knew he did his best. She turned to him and gave a hug.  Both of them happily started eating already cooled food.  


          After lunch Lyle needed to help his friends in hangar. Vity couldn't be there so she decided to find Quaritch. 

          When she got on bridge and saw that no one saw her yet, she saw opportunity to scared colonel. As quiet as she could she runned under closest table. By quick walk she went to the other side of it and hiding  between two carts runned under window worktops. When she got to the other side of it, all she got to do is quickly hide under table Quaritch were standing by.

-"Boo!" - she said when jumping from under the table. 

          Colonel shuddered. He was surprised by her. 

-"How did you get here? I didn't saw you."

-"I'm getting batter at this. But I'm sure cameras saw me, I keep forgetting about them."

-"It's alright, it's already a lot." - he said with smile and picked her up.

-"What are you doing?" - she said as beginning of conversation.

-"I'm analyzing maps, making up new tactics and other boring stuffs."

-"It's not boring... for me, I like watching how you doing it." - she said and looked at map.

-"I never met any one that are interested by such things. But if you like watching me, maybe you want me to teach you how to do this? Huh?"

-"Yes please." - she replied with big smile.

          Quaritch came back to his task. She laid on he's shoulder and started to play with shoulder strap of his shirt. 

-"Can I ask you a question?" - she started after few moments.

-"Sure, what is it?"

-"Can I go with Lyle on scouting? Please?"- she asked as sweet as possible.

-"You know it's kinda dangerous, right?"

-"I know but I'll listen to their orders and keep up. I know all of procedures, I memorized over 100 analysis of different situations. I can recite them to you if you want."

          Quaritch made big eyes on her. He was surprised by that.

-"How did you learned them? You're 5."

-"When Fike was taking care of me, he didn't know what to do with me so he gave me date-pad with those on and I were just reading them and after some time I just started to remember them."

-"You can read?" - he asked as he didn't know about it.

-"Yeah. English and Na'vi." - she added.

-"Well, I believe your abilities and that Lyle will take good care of you. If I remember well, he's going today on patrol near base so if you take appropriate clothing and make it till 5 PM, you can go."

-"Yey! Thank you so much. I promise I'll be safe." - she said quickly and runned to Lyle to share the news.

-"Have a good time!" - colonel added at the end.


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