Part 3

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-"Lyle! Lyle, listen, listen, listen! Colonel said that I can go outside with you today!"

-"Really? That's great." 

-"But before, I need you for a moment because, he told me to wear my uniform but I don't know how to put it on." - she added fast and quiet.

          He laughed softly as she rested on him. 

-"Alright. Come on then, there's not much time left."


          When they manage to dress up, both went back to hangar. Trudy were waiting for them already. Other soldiers started appearing after them. 

-"Give kid here. She'll be safer and will be able to see more." - Trudy propose when she saw Vity.  

-"Sure. Go ahead little one." - Lyle helped her get on the front and gave her headphones.

-" OK everybody! One minute to go!"

          As everyone were on, they started. 


          Flight wasn't long but Vity was really exited about seeing Pandora's nature.

-"OMG! Are those tetrapterons out there? They're so pretty." - she couldn't hold herself from fidgeting around. 

-"Probably. It's hard for me to remember those names. You're smart kid." - Trudy was happy to see her so exited.


          Fly took over five minutes. They landed in forest near river. 

-"Thank you for safe  flight." - Vity thank their pilot and quickly runned outside.

-"No problem. Be safe out there!"

          One of the soldiers stopped Vity from running to early. She jumped out after everyone were outside. 

          She was very happy to be here. First thing she does was running to closes trees and hugging them. As she was running around others were looking after her with smiles. 

-"I never saw her happier." - Fike said to Lyle .

-"Right. We need to keep an eye on her or she stay here." 

-"Lyle look! I found fan lizard!" - she said running to him while holding it in her hands.

-"That nice... Shit! No,no,no. Leave it." - he quickly rushed to her as fast as he understood what she does.

          Everybody burst in laugh.

After 20 min

          Everyone were doing assigned tasks. Vity were looking around and from time to time asking what are they doing.

          After some time she went to Lyle.

-"Lyle. I need to pee." - she said to his ear.

-"Couldn't you do it in base?" - he asked as he didn't really know what to do.

-"I did, but I need again."

-"Alright, come on. We'll find some place." 

          When they found hidden place in bush she took her pants off and crouched down.

-"Ok, so pee quickly and we're getting back."

-"I can't."

-"Why?" - he asked.

-"Those arachnoids are looking at me." - she replied and looked at him.

-"Oh, ' - he went to this tree and drove them away. - ' Is it ok now?"

-"Yeah." - she said and started peeing.

          After she ended her thing she put back on her clothes. Lyle helped with zipping everything and they came back to others. 


          She went away from them. When she was looking around she heard squeak. When she went closer to her eyes appeared little viperwolf pup. Next to it was laying dead body of, probably, his parent.

-"Oh no. Pure puppy. Come on, I got you don't worry. I'll take you with me to base."

          She went back to other soldiers. Lyle were talking to his friends when he saw that she was holding another animal in her arms. 

-"Vity, I told you not to touch them. They want to do their things." 

-"But it's puppy."

-"Then you not suppose to take it even more. Their parents will be angry."

-"Their parents are dead. He's all alone, we need to take care of him. Otherwise he'll die. Please can we keep him?" - she was close to cry. He didn't really know what to do.

-"Alright listen, that's how nature work. If parents of little pup die they become food to other animal. We are not suppose to change it."  - Lyle tried to explain it to her.

-"But my parents died too and you took care of me, You don't left me alone at the animals mercy." - she looked at him with question. 

-"That's... I ... It's not ... Alright, lets keep him." - he couldn't think straight after she said that.

         After that they went back to helicopter and returned home.


Avatar: Pandora's childDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora