Chapter 67: Battle of Two Friends!

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Harry had been hanging out in the tunnel for quite some time, just looking through information on Lucas' Pokemon on his phone while cloaked by the shadow of the tunnel. Now was the time to prove that he was on equal footing with Lucas. He had yet to win a match against Lucas and wanted so badly to win this one, in front of probably thousands of spectators. It would feel incredible, even the thought of it gave Harry hope. But, an underlying feeling nagged at Harry, that he couldn't do it. He couldn't stand toe to toe. But, he couldn't give any food to those thoughts. Now, he just had to focus on the battle ahead.

The battlefield rose to the surface, one similar to the battle Lucas had against the Sinnoh trainer, except with a grassy terrain around rather than a rocky terrain. And, of course, there was a bridge with water flowing through the battlefield. The referee rose to the surface and finally, Lucas and Harry both emerged from the battlefield, each smiling with hopes of winning this battle fresh on their mind. Harry stood with a solitary Pokeball in his hand, while Lucas had all of his Pokemon by his side. Torchic hung on Lucas' shoulder, Breloom by his side, while Vibrava fluttered near the opposite shoulder, clearly wanting to be as far away from Lucas as possible while still appearing as part of the team. The referee looked to either side and then yelled,

"Select your Pokemon!"

"Vibrava, here we go!"

"Gible, let's win this!"

For the first round of the battle, it seemed like it would be a dragon showdown. Dragon and Ground types, to be more specific. Gible popped out of its Pokeball with a warm and toothy grin on its face, while Vibrava whizzed onto the battlefield in a second, ascending above and then looking down upon Gible and its trainer with a menacing glare. The referee looked at each Pokemon, and then to each trainer. Both were in their battle stances, too focused on the battle to take notice of anything else, other than the call from the referee.

"Battle begin!"

"Gible, Dragon Breath!", Harry started the battle out with a bang, with Gible producing a strong breath that shone in all the colours of the rainbow. It directed itself over to Vibrava, but Vibrava wasn't just gonna stand there and take it.

"Sandstorm!", he called out and Vibrava flapped its wings, dust and sand flying up into the air as heavy winds dragged it through. And, with the heavy winds and rubble running through the air, the Dragon Breath quickly dispersed under the effect of the Sandstorm. Then, Lucas decided to go on the offensive.

"Mud Slap!", he yelled and Vibrava ran its wings through the ground, flicking swads of mud towards Gible.

"Dodge!", Harry yelled, and usually, the Sandstorm would have made Gible easier to hit. But, it was almost impossible to see Gible through the sand. It camouflaged into the sandstorm with absolute ease, meaning Vibrava was flicking mud at anything that could've been Gible, with little accuracy to its strikes. So, when Gible attacked from behind, it was a shock to both Lucas and Vibrava.

"Bite!", Harry yelled and Gible opened its giant mouth, its teeth sinking into Vibrava's wing. Vibrava cried out and wiggled and writhed, trying desperately to get Gible off of it. Its tail was still free to attack though, and this was observed keenly by Lucas.

"Dragon Tail!", he yelled and Vibrava wound around its tail, striking Gible from its wing and across the battlefield. This time, however, Lucas knew that just throwing out Mud Slaps wouldn't be effective if it had no idea what it was shooting it at. So, he had to hunt down Gible this time.

"Follow after Gible! Don't let it out of your sight!", cried Lucas as Vibrava took flight and soared along the battlefield, keenly observing Gible as it looked up at Vibrava with a sense of innocence.

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