I attempt to ask the boys about the beast, hoping to gain some helpful tidbits that will grant me the upper hand; however, the moment I ask, their loose lips abruptly tighten and they announce that they had better get back to work. They lead Abraxas to his stall, then leave me alone.

Deciding I will learn nothing more here, I return to the palace where I make my first attempt at navigating the halls. To my surprise, it is a success. The puzzle pieces suddenly click together to create a mental picture of the palace. That is, a part of the palace. The main staircase leads to the right and to the left, but thus far, I have only been led to the right, to the east wing. What is the beast hiding in the west wing? Determined to unearth her secrets, I head resolutely toward the staircase, but no sooner have I put my foot on the bottom step than Pierre's voice calls to me.

"No, no, monsieur. Not that way."

"Why?" I take another step up.

"It is forbidden. I-I mean it is a dusty, drafty old piece of the palace. Terribly in need of renovations. You don't want to go up there."

I glance up, but I only see shadows. "I think I'd like to take a look."

A candelabra whooshes past me and blocks my path. I try to step around it, but it quickly adjusts itself so that it is again in my way.

"Really, monsieur. The west wing is not a place for you."

I hesitate, burning with the desire to witness the beast's dark secrets. However, there are other ways to defeat the beast. While this exploration might prove helpful, it can wait.

I sigh and turn away from the staircase. "Alright, you win. Besides, dust makes me sneeze."

And so, my exploration of the east wing begins, but it is extremely boring. I open doors only to find guest room after guest room. This place must be able to house nearly seventy-five nobles at once. The scheme is broken by an occasional sitting room, but overall, I find nothing of interest. Surely a palace like this must have a library or a reading room or a music room, something besides meticulously tidy apartments.

I am nearly bored out of my mind when Pierre announces that it is time to dress for supper. To his exasperation, I head straight to the dining room where I find the table already laden with the evening banquet. The beast has not arrived yet, so I settle in my chair and wait for her. Just as the last rays of the sun have disappeared and the candles and hearth are the only light remaining, the beast appears. She wears another of her black gowns, this one with long lace sleeves, and her ebony hair is arranged to hang over one shoulder.

"Good evening," she greets as she arranges her skirts in the throne-like chair.

I nod politely, then watch as invisible servants fill our plates. When we have started to eat, I broach the subject which has tugged at me all afternoon. "What's in the west wing?"

She doesn't like my question because she visibly stiffens. "Nothing of great importance."

"Does nothing of great importance include the library?"

She sighs and stabs a glazed carrot with her fork. "If it is books you want, you could just ask."

I shrug and thoughtfully chew my beef roast. What is it in the west wing that keeps the beast occupied? Surely, she doesn't sit around all day and turn poor servants into her invisible minions.

"What do you do all day? Besides go riding."

"I care for the roses." She daintily dabs her mouth with a napkin.

Ah yes, the roses. The gardens are absolutely tucked full of roses and there are also two greenhouses. I looked through the glass at the roses within but could not examine them further since the doors were locked.

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