"So you all skipped?"

"Well yeah, that's how we are here. We're skipping fifth hour and probably are lunch hour too." Jason said.

"How did you convince Annabeth to skip?"

Annabeth face turned red and she looked towards the floor avoiding Percy's question.

Thalia smirked, but saved her friend from further embarrassment, "She lost a bet."

"What bet?"

Annabeth cleared her throat, "It doesn't matter. Do you know all the details of the accident?"

Percy frowned, "I'm not sure. All I know is that my grandfather plowed into the car which resulted in him dying. Luke had been tailing us and was there to finish the job from what I presume?"

Thalia nodded, "Yes that's what happened. Do you know what happened to Luke?"

"My father didn't clarify when I asked. I remember somebody tackling Luke after he dropped the knife."

Jason shifted from his left foot to his right, "It was Ethan."

"Ethan Nakamura?"

The whole group nodded.

"Why? I thought they are friends?"

Jason shrugged, "I'm not sure what happened between them. Ethan put Luke in the hospital after he beat the shit out of him."

"Language!" Annabeth scolded.

Thalia snorted, "You have a better word, Annie?"

"Clobber. You could of also use the phrase 'beat the daylights out of him'."

Piper scrunched her brow, "Clobber? I haven't heard that word in a long time."

"That's because no one uses that word, or at least not in the modern world."

"What are you talking about Thalia? Of course the word clobber is still used. Do you not pay attention in English Class?" Annabeth asked.

"And what do we learn in English? Nothing in the modern world! All we read is old books, which is my point why the word isn't used in modern times."

Annabeth rolled her eyes, "You really need to get off your phone if you really think the word clobber isn't used any more. You really haven't heard it being use as 'he/she/it got clobbered'?"

"I heard it used that way before."

"No one asked you Grover." Thalia crossed her arms.

Grover deflated as Percy held his hand up to try to get things in his mind sorted. "Hold up. So you're saying that Ethan is the one who saved me?"

Thalia scoffed, "Yes, get with it kelp head! I thought we made that point clear three minutes ago."

"Sorry. I have a concussed brain for the third time this year." Percy said in his upmost deadpan voice.

"Right. I Forgot about that." Thalia scratched her neck looking somewhat remorseful.

"To answer your question, yes he was. We were kind of hoping you had further answers to the whole thing as we are also confused, though it seems like you also don't know. It probably will remain a mystery to the end of time." Jason sighed.

Percy shrugged, "I don't have anything to tell you. Everything that happened in those few minutes are a blur."

The room went quiet for a few seconds before Leo cleared his throat. "I see you got a new prosthetic. Do you want me to make adjustments to it as I had done with the last?"

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