Chapter 58 | On the Hunt

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A good breakfast and hot shower can do wonders. Phoenix steps out of the steamy bathroom with nothing, but a plush, white towel wrapped around that chiseled "V" I love so much. Even at rest, the imprint of his impeccable form has always been a pleasure to gander at. The shadow it forecasts is one to admire.

Stop sighing, schoolgirl!

I'm crushing hard, ain't I?

We've got work to attend to. Get your mind out the gutter.

Phoenix wipes his face dry with a separate towel. "What?"

I look away quickly, less my eyes betray me. "Oh, nothing. Just thinking about some stuff."

"Hmm," he snickers before dropping the towel and rifling through the top drawer of his oakwood dresser to find a pair of boxer briefs.

Search long and hard...

The man is toned from top to bottom. Not an inch left untouched. He has the most cuffable, perfectly shaped butt I think I've ever seen in real life. Male model all day long.

Stop biting your lip, you'll distract him.

I gulp my feelings down. "So, uh, what's the plan?"

He turns after having found a navy pair of polo boxer briefs.


He pulls them on.

Tame, but still fuckable.

A quickie wouldn't hurt anybody. It's been a while...

Phoenix snaps his fingers in front of my eyes. "...Earth to Ari..."

Blinking my way back to reality, I shake him off. "What? I heard you."

He gives me that I-won't-say-I-know-you're-lying-but-I-know look. "I said we're going to Nixon's and see if he can tell us what's up. Maybe tell us where Sheila is."

I nod. "OK. Let's go."

Phoenix laughs. "I didn't say you. I want you to stay out of this, Ari."

My nostrils flare. "Hold up. I saw this coming long before you had a clue. I peeped game on Sheila and Brooke. How quickly we forget? Oh, I'm going, baby and all. It's not up for discussion." I grab my handbag and turn around waiting for his dissent.

He throws up his hands. "Alright. But let me do the talking. You know how Nixon feels about you."

My jaw drops. "Oh, so now you want to admit it?"

Phoenix has that I-just-ate-a-shit-sandwich look. "You've been right about everyone else, Nixon is probably no exception. I trust your intuition."

Hold back that smile. Let this simmer a little longer.

Phoenix laughs. "Get that silly grin off your face! There! I said it. I trust your intuition. You happy?"

I smile, grab my coat and practically hop out the door to Phoenix's all black Range Rover.

He's finally coming around.


On the way to Nixon's, Phoenix calls his Executive Assistant Anna Conway. The ring echoes throughout the truck.


"Anna. It's Mr. Prescott."

"Oh my God! Mr. Prescott! I heard. Are you OK?"

"I'm good, Anna. Listen I'm trying to figure out some things. You hired Brooke, right?"

"Yes! You told me to. Well, let me clarify. You told me to honor whatever favor Mrs....Sheila Reed? I think that's her name, requested. Remember? Shortly after you told me that, she called and said she was looking for an internship for a student she was helping out, Brooke Fox. So, I did what you said. I honored her request. I interviewed and hired Brooke that week."

"Huh. So, that's how she ended up working for me." Phoenix takes a long deep sigh.

"Mr. everything OK?"

"Fine, Anna. Listen, I'll be out of the office for a while. Reschedule my meetings. I don't think I have to tell you this but keep it professional and no discussions with anyone on what has happened."

"Of course, Mr. Prescott."

Phoenix hangs up. "How could I have been so blind? So, trusting? This bitch had it out for us." Phoenix interlaces his fingers with mine and kisses my hand as he drives with this free hand. "I'm so sorry, Ari. I'm so fucking sorry."

We arrive at Nixon's hotel, park and go inside.

"Hi, yes. I'm here to check on a friend. He's in room 369. I've called for several days now, no answer. He's going through a messy divorce and was a little depressed the last we spoke. This is a wellness check."

Alarmed at what she's heard, front desk clerk, Lisa calls her manager. "Yes ma'am. They want us to do a wellness check." She hangs up. "My manager, is on her way."

Phoenix and I sit on a cracked black leather couch seated in the unimpressive lobby. We wait.

A short, portly woman with a messy bun and greying sides, arrives and extends her hand to Phoenix. "Sorry for the wait, uh..."

"Phoenix Prescott." He stands and shakes her hand.

"Oh! I've heard of you. The Windsor project, is it?"

Phoenix smiles and nods. "Yes."

She smiles. "I'm a fan of the work you're doing. I think it's very noble of you. Our community needs more people like you, Mr. Prescott."

Beth looks at me and extends her hand. "Where are my manners? I'm Beth."

I shake. "Aria."

"Nice to meet you both."

She nods. "So, your friend, Nixon Reed, is it?"

We nod.

"Haven't heard from him, it's been a few days. We'd like a wellness check."

"Well, guest policy promises privacy for everyone, but after gathering a few facts, this seems to be extenuating circumstances. Mr. Reed has not answered our calls or the knock on the door. He's been staying with us for a while now and from what I've learned he has not accepted any room cleanings." She sighs. "Puts me in a tight spot." She looks to both sides before lowering the register of her voice. "Between you and me, I've had some complaints about an odor coming from his room. I think a wellness check is warranted." She waves a keycard.

Phoenix and I exchange worried glances. We follow her to the elevator.

Down the rabbit hole we go.

We get off on the 3rd floor. Nixon's room is all the way down to the right. As we approach, something makes my stomach turn. I place my finger under my nose. "What is that smell?"

Phoenix clears his throat as he too covers his nose.

Beth knocks. "Mr. Reed, this is the manager of the hotel, Beth Vargas. I'm here for a wellness check." She coughs, waits, then knocks again. "Mr. Reed, if you do not answer, I will be forced to open the door."

We wait. Still no answer.

Beth looks to us. "We've done our due diligence. We have no choice at this point."


Phoenix nods.

Beth uses the keycard on the door and pushes the door open. 


What's up with Nixon??? What are your thoughts? Please remember to TAP THAT STAR! Muah!

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