Chapter 25 | Back to Life

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Waking up rested is always a plus

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Waking up rested is always a plus. Breathing in the newness of the day, I glance out the window to find the city has gotten off to a slow start. It's almost noon on this gorgeous winter Sunday morning and only a few cars occupy the road, even fewer people are walking down the street. There's the low hum of music playing on the radio on left and Phoenix sitting, huddled over in an intense conversation, to my right.  I trace the line from the base of his spine to the top of neck.

 "Hey you." Getting up, I reach around, hugging him from behind and plant a kiss on his cheek.

"...the latest heat out the A, "Just This Once,"" a DJ announces.

"So, you got the footage? From the elevator?" Phoenix asks, talking into his phone. "OK. That's good. Drop it off to me. See you in a minute." Phoenix leans back, laying on me, crushing me under his weight.

"Oh! Hey!" I push him off me and move to my side of the bed.

"What?" Phoenix knowingly laughs. "Leon got the footage of us." He pats my thigh. "From last night?"

"That was a scandal waiting to happen."

"Well scandal avoided." He smacks my thigh and comes in for his reward.

I cradle his face in my hands. "Thank you," I tell him before lapping up his soft kissable lips.

"You know how you can thank me." He crawls between my legs.

The doorbell rings. Phoenix closes his eyes and stops in his tracks. "That's Leon, be right back." He leaves to answer the door. They go into the living room.

"Hey, whatever the cost, pay the man. Cash. Today before we leave. Make sure no copies were made."

"I went as soon as you called me last night. Caught 'em by surprise. They store all their footage on these external network recorders. Like a. . ." Leon snaps his fingers. "Like a DVR."

Draped in a plush, white I robe, I turn the corner and look in on the guys sitting on the couch.

"So, I paid both security guards a hefty sum and they let Lex from our IT department remotely access the recordings. He went into their system, found the footage, had me put it on this flash drive and then he permanently deleted footage from all the elevators last night, just to be safe. It's like it never happened." Leon tosses Phoenix a small object.

Phoenix catches it and looks at the small black rectangle. "Good. Then I owe you. I'll transfer the money over tomorrow." They stand up. Phoenix pats Leon on the back. "My man."

Leon chuckles. "Afternoon, Aria."

"Hi, Leon." I smile.

They walk to the door and Phoenix lets Leon out. Phoenix walks up to me with a smirk on his face and a flash drive in his hand.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

Against my better judgment, a gleaming smile takes up residence on my face.


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