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//Sebastian's POV\\

I watched as the nurses tried their best to just resuscitate Y/N, her lips were turning a greyish-purple color. No sign of life, not yet.

My world..

My heart is breaking..

We just-..

I just got you back.

"I can't put into words how much I love her"

"I know" Poppy sniffled

"I hope she snaps out of this.. soon" I take in a breath "Before she's- gone"

//Y/N POV\\

In the midst of the darkness, a light. Almost guiding me, I follow it.

It guides me to a forest, beautiful and peaceful.

Out into a clearing, There was Fig. He noticed me immediately a smile planted on his face.

"Hello my young friend" He opened his arms, and wrapped them around me tight. "I suspected I might see you here when you were a bit older" his brows furrow "What's happened?"

I embrace the hug, sobbing. "He got the ancient magic Professor.." Breathe "I'm not ready to die"

I'm not ready..

I'm NOT ready..

"My dear child, no one is" he squeezed tighter

"There's got to be a way.." I say in a soft whisper

"Y/N, You are capable of incredible things-"

My arms cave in, Fig was gone. Another light appeared to my right, to my left a path into the dark forest. I go towards the light, as I walk up to it I reach out my hand.

//Sebastian's POV\\

The nurses backed away from Y/N's body. Their faces filled with grief, Blainey placed a hand on my shoulder squeezing it "Be with her, we've done all we can." she took a breath "She may not wake up"

She may not wake up..

That sentence weighed 1000 pounds. My heart sank, I grasped her hand and squeezed it.


My heart is broken..

Poppy moved over to the other side of the bed, holding her other hand.

"She can still snap out of it Poppy"

"Sebastian It's been hou-"

"You've got to have faith!" I snapped. Poppy nods and sniffles.

Y/N's chest moves suddenly, up and down. I placed my head to her chest, hearing a faint beat.

"It's there! I hear it!" I shouted

"Blainey!" Poppy shouts "Nurse Blainey! Her heart is beating!"

The nurses watched from the edge of the bed, confusion radiated around the room.

//Y/N POV\\

I weakly squeezed the hands that were holding mine, I still felt to weak to even open my eyes. My chest felt like it was on fire.

"I think she is waking up" Sebastian called out.

"mmmm" I let out a soft groan in agreement. I cracked my eyes open looking at Poppy, she looked like she had been crying for days.

I look over at Sebastian who is ready to hop into the bed with me. Tears still floating down his face he leans down and kisses my forehead.

"I thought I lost you, again" he whispered out

"I thought-I was going- to die" My voice weak, and raspy "He- He got - the magic.."

"Don't worry about the magic right now, you are alive, and that's all that matters right now" He kissed my forehead once again.

~~ 5 months later~~

After 2 weeks in the hospital wing at Hogwarts, with no signs of gaining my strength back the difficult decision to take me to St. Mungos was made. The healers believe that there is so much damage done to my heart that i'd never live a normal life. Not that i'd have to stay at Mungos forever, just until I can gather my strength to walk again.

Over christmas holiday Sebastian stayed with me here. He wants me to stay with him in Feldcroft once they think i'm strong enough to be on my own.

Sebastian visits once a week since the term is still going, my professors send me books through the post to keep me current on my studies.

Blake Morganach hasn't shown his face anywhere, I suspect he took what he wanted and ran with it. However the nightmares from the ordeal are debilitating.


Sitting on my balcony I hear the door open, I spin my wheelchair around to see who it is..

"Hello darling" Sebastian smiles, flowers in hand.

"You're early, I thought you were going to wait til the end of term to come visit?" I rolled into the room, to my beside.

"Well, Professor Weasley thought it might be best that I go ahead and come visit, since all my marks are well" He walks over to me "Here let me help" Reaching out his hand to assist me.

"Sebastian I'll never get out of here if everyone keeps assisting me with everything"  I wave my wand, "Accio cane" catching it in my free hand.

He stands by me as I push myself up, wobbly walking to the door. "I want to go on a walk."

"I'm holding onto you then"

"Yes sir" I joke

He wraps his arm around my waist, prepared to catch me if I fall walking beside me slowly.

"Do you know when they are going to let you leave?"

"Well, I was going to send you an owl today"

"Does that mean?"

We stop walking, tears of happiness well in my eyes.

"Sebastian, Take me home"

Those damn brown eyes: A Hogwarts Legacy storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz