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//Gareths POV\\
~One week later~

I left the Hufflepuff common room after walking Y/N back to her room, making my way to my own. Having to trek across the entire castle is my least favorite part about courting with Y/N, but seeing a smile on her face when I walk her to class makes it worth it.

On my walk back to my side of the castle I cross paths with Sebastian, still seething with jealousy. If looks could kill, i'd surely drop dead.

"Sallow." I greet him in passing, trying to break the tension.

"Weasley." he snaps. He couldn't have made it more obvious that he hates my guts.

I walk past him, since my attempt at breaking the tension failed. I make my way back to my common room and enter my dorm room.

"Have a nice night out?" Blake's voice was like poison. There he stood in the middle of the room, He starts to get up after making his presence known.

I stand in the doorway, frozen.

"You know, I've only met one other person who could resist the imperious curse" he walks up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder "I hope you can protect her, cause she surely cant protect herself" he threatens.

Blake patted my shoulder, then vanished into thin air. Nothing but black smoke where the dark wizard once stood.

My mind racing I ran as fast as i could back to the Hufflepuff dorms. Flying down through the corridors, and down the stairs. I bang the melody on the barrel that Y/N showed me. Before the door could open all the way, I shoved myself through the opening.

Her room was dark, except for the dim light of the oil lamp she had beside her. No Blake in sight. I let out a breath of relief, sitting myself in the chair beside Y/N's bed placing my hand on her back, rubbing it.


I crack open my eye, "Hello?" I whispered

"It's just me" Gareth replied

I roll over to face him, feeling very confused "Why are you here?"

"I just missed you" He says.

I scoot over in the bed, making room for him to lay behind me, "Come lay with me" i ask

He removes his robe and puts it over the chair, sliding his shoes off under it. He crawls into the bed, wrapping his arms around me placing a kiss on the back of my head. "I love you" he whispered out

My face goes warm, "I love you too" I whispered back.


Some time passes, we just lay there and embrace each other, I roll over and kiss Gareth. "I can't sleep" i whisper.

"I can't either" he says, propping himself up on his elbow. He moves the hair from my face and plants a kiss on my forehead, plants another on my cheek.

I let out a quite laugh, Gareth gives me the dorkiest smile making me laugh louder.

I hear Poppy groan from across the room, Gareth puts his hand over my mouth to muffle the laughter.

"We are going to end up waking her up" I whisper

"Lets go for a walk" Gareth sits up, he looks over at the clock squinting his eyes "It's a quarter to 6, I think"

"Shhhh" I slide out of the bed. I open my drawer and pull out a skirt sliding it on under my night dress.

"Turn around" I whisper. He complies turning around and retrieving his robe.

I slip off my nightgown and put on a white shirt that was laying on the floor, buttoning the shirt up. I throw on Hufflepuff embroidered sweater as-well.

"Let's go" I walk towards the door, taking Gareths hand in mine.


We walk outside around to the fountain, sitting on the edge. "Sorry to bring this up, But what all do you remember about the night at the boathouse?" Gareth asks.

~Super short chapter tonight, I promise Three longer ones will release this weekend ❤️~

Those damn brown eyes: A Hogwarts Legacy storyWhere stories live. Discover now