Sprial Part 2

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~Mature content warning~

I don't really remember much about the boathouse, as much as I try to remember the details are just blurry.

"I remember getting an owl, from you" I say, trying to think about the rest of the night "After that I don't suppose i remember anything else, other than a man with green eyes."

Gareth lets out a sigh "We met at the boat house. Before everything happened, I took you out on the lake, to watch some hippogriffs"

I feel my heart sink, the fuzzy details of the evening start to become clear. "I was still upset with you, right? I wanted to leave.."

"You didn't say it, but you made it clear that you needed space" he assured. "We came back, and that's where everything goes black for me"

"how were we on a date, then suddenly-" As soon as the words left my mouth, I realized. I stood up wand in my hand. "Give me one good reason-" my words like ice.

"Y/N, I was cursed. I didn't know what I was doing" He stands up gently grabbing my hand holding the wand. "I love you, I meant that"

"Who" i ask sharply, in a demanding tone.

"Blake Morganach" he quickly spit out.

The color disappeared from my face, "The Keepers had warned me of an man being a descendant of Isidora, a man hungry for power." I sat back down on the side of the fountain. My eyes fixated on the castle in front of us, "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I look up at him.

"You needed to heal, I didn't want to put to much on your plate"

"So in Hogsmede..?"

"Yes"  Gareth sits back down on the fountains edge wrapping his arm around me, "He was in my dorm last night, threatening to hurt you. That's why I came back to sit with you."

"You aren't allowed to lie to me anymore Gareth" I rest my head on his shoulder He kisses the top of my head.

"I promise"
Students started to trickle out of the large set of doors in front of us, most of which were heading to the quidditch field. We caught some looks being outside of the castle so early in the morning , the sun barely shining over the horizon.

(Another short chapter for you lovely people, i felt like 600 words was just too little )

Those damn brown eyes: A Hogwarts Legacy storyWhere stories live. Discover now