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~Mature content~

I woke up to Poppy shaking me, "Y/N you have to be in Charms in ten minutes! Wake UP!"

My eyes fluttered open, Sebastian was still attached to me. Letting out a exaggerated groan I peel his arm away from my waist sitting up. "Thank you for waking me up Poppy." I rubbed my eyes.

"We are gonna talk about This" she motioned to Sebastian who was already sitting up

"We could talk about it now, It's not like I haven't missed a class before." I lean off the bed, retrieving a night gown, since I was still in my undergarments.

"When did this start?" she takes a seat on the edge of my bed, Sebastian chuckles at the question.

"She came to her senses last night" he joked, putting emphasis on 'came'. Which earned him a light slap to the shoulder.


"Does he know?"

"Oh trust me, he knows"  Sebastian buts in.

"What did you do?!" Poppy asked, very excited.

"I talked to him" he snickers

"They got into a fight" I piped in.

"Sebastian Sallow!" Poppy smiles "If only you would've done that ages ago, I was growing tired of Gareth always being in here, at random times too. He'd wake me up Every Time he came."

Despite being surrounded by my two closest friends, I felt empty, cold almost. My heart started pounding, my hands started to shake. I closed my eyes to take a deep breath.

When I opened my eyes I was transported to, what felt like another Hogwarts. The halls were empty, rubble was scattered everywhere. There he was, standing in between me and the exit.

"Blake Morganach"  I muttered

He turned to face me, "Hope i'm not prying you away from something important?" he clicks his teeth "Are you ready to talk now?"

"I suppose you will keep dragging me into these little sessions if I continue to resist, So get on with it" I spat

He conjured two chairs between us, across from one another.  We slid into the chairs, almost simultaneously.


"I'd like to offer you a-" he cleared his throat "Well, a proposal, of sorts. If you let me have the keepers wand, to access the repository. I'll spare you, and your frie-"

I cut him off "It was destroyed. So that people like you couldn't find it"

"Do you really think i'm that ignorant?"

I let out a small laugh, clearing my throat "I don't have it." I snapped "I trusted the professors at this school to destroy it, and they did so."

Blake rises to his feet, placing his had on silver dagger he injured me with the night before. Before I could react, something kept me placed in the chair.

//Sebastian's POV\\

"WHAT IN MERLINS NAME ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO?" I screamed, holding Y/N as she seized, tears were running down all our faces. 

"Let get her to the hospital wing, NOW!" Poppy shouts.

"What if she-"

"She won't!"

I got up, taking Y/N into my arms, holding her close to my chest, her eyes were rolling to the back of her head, her arms and legs jerking uncontrollably.

I'm scared to lose her..

We ran, neither of us wearing shoes. Y/N's seizes started to stop, getting weaker. Her body became limp, causing me to run faster. Poppy was trailing behind me, unable to keep up.

I looked down, a red stain started to appear through her nightgown, right over her heart.

Fuck.. FUCK


I can't lose you too..

As I ran through the passage to the faculty tower and up the stairs, I felt an overwhelming sense of dread, she felt gone.

Stay with me..


I need you.

Her body was becoming cold to the touch, I bursted through the door to the wing, "NURSE BLAINEY! HELP HER!" I placed Y/N on the closest bed, Blainey running over with the assistance of another nurse.

Poppy caught up, out of breath she collapsed into the chair nearest to the door, allowing the nurses to have space.

I on the other hand never left her side.

//Y/N POV \\

Blake circled around me like a hawk, "What to do with you" he muttered.

"Just kill me.." I whispered out, feeling completely defeated. "I harnessed the power of the repository before I contained the magic"

That got his attention, I heard him stop walking behind me, I felt his presence up against my back. He took out the blade, bringing it to my throat. "This blade is enchanted, anything I do to you with it- well, you already know" he whispered in my ear.

This man is sadistic, he wants me to suffer.

He gets in front of me, I refused to even look up. He roughly grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him.

"I want to see the life leave your eyes"


All I feel is cold.

He twisted the knife into me, right into my chest. Pulling it out, he threw it to the floor. Pulling his wand from his pocket he harnessed the magic, straight from the wound.

Black, It's all black...

Those damn brown eyes: A Hogwarts Legacy storyWhere stories live. Discover now