Back to normal.. Kinda

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~2 weeks later~

Nurse Blainey finally allowed me to go back to my dormitory, on the promise that I come and get looked at anytime something starts to hurt.

I make my way to my charms class, walking in I bump into Ominous.

"I'm sorry!" he say, stepping back.

"That's my fault, I wasn't paying attention" I apologized.

"How are you holding up?" he asked

"I could be better, atleast I was finally able to leave the hospital wing" I take my seat, Ominous sitting beside me.

"I mean mentally, are you ok?" he prys

The question stunned me, "I- suppose"

He leaned back in the chair, "I had no clue that Sebastian and Imelda had been talking to each other.. He didn't even tell me he liked her" he states

"I really don't want to talk about him." i sharply say.

Speaking of the devil, he walks into the classroom. He turns to look at Ominous, once his eyes caught mine his face goes white like he had seen a ghost.

"He-Hey Y/N" he says

I turn my head, ignoring him. I could feel the daggers that his eyes were throwing my way. I didn't care.

He walks over into my line of sight, leaning on the desk in-front of me "I just want to talk to you." he pleads

"What you want to talk about how you USED me, AGAIN!" my voice laced with anger. The few students in the class went silent, eyes were on him.

"I can explain-" He spits out

"I don't want your explanation Sallow." I stand up. my eyes meeting his, "Go break someone else's heart, Im tired of giving mine to you" I storm out of the class. Unable to even think straight, my head starts to bust.

"How could I be so stupid" I say to myself, I walk to the Transfiguration courtyard and find an area to sit in. I plop down onto the soft grass and let out a breath.

This being the first time i've been outside in weeks I savor every moment.

//Sebastian's POV\\

Ominous gives me a disgusted look.

"What?" I asked sitting down in the spot Y/N was just in. "I've tried to explain myself multiple times, if she doesn't want to hear it I can't force her."

Ominous scoffs "I don't want to hear it either. You did what you do best, Use her"

His comment angered me "I didn't use her Ominous, she very clearly stated that she was mine, then i go to visit her in the infirmary." i pause "And Gareth was by her side."

"Because he is the one that found her like that! If you had found her all bloodied up and on the edge of death , you wouldn't have left her side either!" Ominous states

"I think he did it." I snap.

"That's highly unlikely Sebastian" He says "Have you not noticed that they've been courting for the past week?"

"How else would he had know when, and where she was going to be?" I look at Ominous, my voice becoming more frustrated.

"What's the deal with you and Imelda?" he asks coldly changing the subject.

Those damn brown eyes: A Hogwarts Legacy storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें