That Damn Boy

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He pulls me into a tight hug, I needed a moment to breathe, he scared the shit out of me. After a few seconds I return the hug, not as tight.

After a few seconds he lets out, "I missed you" in a gentle whisper, tightening his grip then letting you go. He holds your shoulders looking you up and down, "Did you shrink?" he jokes.

You push him away gently, and let out a small chuckle. "Shut up." you joke, Sebastian already towered over you last term, now it seems he is a whole two feet taller than you.

Yes he wrote to me all summer, and yes I have some feelings for him. But what if he just wants me to accompany him on more traumatic adventures again?

Poppy taps you on the shoulder, not to be rude and interrupt your reunion. "I'm going to finish up, I'll see you two tomorrow on the train!"

"I'll meet you inside the barrier!" You say, waving as she walks off, Sebastian giving a small wave.
You turn back to face him.

Sebastian is your best friend, at least he was. Last term, he seemed to need you every other day to help him find a cure for Anne, it felt like he had been using you. The two of you spent so much time together, it was hard not to catch feelings for him. But after what he did to his uncle, it's been hard to look at him the same way.

"Let's go get something to eat!" Sebastian says starting to lead you away to the Leaky Cauldron. He is so excited, practically dragging you there, he rambles about his summer on the way there.

You stop dead in your tracks.
"Is that- Fig?" You think to yourself "Am I seeing a ghost?"
There he is, at least you think he is, standing in the same spot as last year, where he waited for you to get your things for the semester. Fig was a father figure to you, the only father figure you've had in your life. As soon as you see him, he's gone.

Sebastian moves in-front of you and slightly shakes you, trying to get you to come back to reality.
"Y/N are you okay?" he asks gently, you make eye contact and nod.
"I think I should get back home, I haven't even packed yet." You say, slightly still in a panic, finding any excuse to leave the crowd.
Sebastian looks at you, concerned "Why don't you come back to Feldcroft with me tonight? You won't have to ride the train." he offers.

"Do you think that's wise?" you ask, ready to agree but holding back.

"Do I ever have a bad idea?" He chuckles

"Yes, Yes you do" You joke with him, "I suppose you could show me a few more spells I should know for this term." you said, slowly staring to calm down from the flashback.

Maybe it would be good to hang out before the term begins?  I thought.

The two of you head towards a floo chimney, he picks up the powder and shouts "Feldcoft!" You close your eyes, still not too keen on floo travel yet. When you open your eyes, your back in Felcroft, the small hamlet is now thriving since all the goblins had retreated away. You both head to the small Sallow house, inside the interior was completely different than when you first went last year, Sebastian came in behind you and waived his wand to clean up the god awful mess, a man obviously lived there.

(I promise it's going to get spicy, no rush though! we gotta set up the backstory🫣)

Slight edit- I decided i want to change up how our character sees Seb. yah know since he basically uses us for power in the game

Those damn brown eyes: A Hogwarts Legacy storyWhere stories live. Discover now