The Hospital Wing

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~I just want to start out by saying thank you so much for reading and supporting my fan fiction. I know I threw you guys for a loop with that last chapter, it was totally intentional 🤭. This chapter is gonna give Mr Gareth some much needed redemption ~

~3 days later Y/N POV~

I started to flutter my eyes, I felt like I had been ran over by a stampede of hippogriffs. I could barely breath, every small shallow breath I took felt like my lungs were being squeezed. My eyes raced around the room, flowers, chocolates, and letters surrounded me. I let out a weak cough, wheezing afterwards to catch my breath, Nurse Blainey ran over to my bedside.

"Oh dear child, you've been out for three days, punctured lung, broken ribs-" I space out looking at the empty chair beside me.

"Has Seb-" I try to say, wheezing after the second breath.

Nurse Blainey grabs a medication from my bedside "Take this, we need to heal that lung" she puts the vial up to my lips, pouring it down my throat.

"I've never seen a student with such a devoted friends , Sweeting and Weasley have been in and out like flies." she says

"Wha-t about Seb-ast?" i weakly ask.

Blainey thinks for a moment, "I don't believe i've seen Sallow up here" she says as she walks away to tend to other students.

"Ahgh" I yelp out, I start to feel the medication kick in, I feel a sharp pain from my ribs being mended back in place, and my lung repairing itself. The pain causes me to loose consciousness once again.

~A Few hours later~

I start to regain consciousness, feeling someone's hand in my own. I squeeze it "Sebastian?" i ask turning my head.


Gareth perks up, looking at me as if I had risen from the dead. "Y/N, are you feeling ok?"

I pull my hand back slowly, "W-Why-"

"I found you in the boathouse" he states, "You were all bloodied up and basically dead" he moves his position from the chair to the edge of my bed.

"I- don't remember what happened" I say "All i remember is someone with green eyes, lik- like wiggenweld potion" I place my hand into his open one. "Have you been here this whole time?"

"As much as Poppy would let me.." he states with a smile "I left earlier to use the bathroom, I came back and Blainey said you finally woke up"

I lean my head back onto the pillow, "I'm so tired" I groan.

"I know" he says, rubbing my hand.

"Has Sebastian really not come to see me?" I ask in a sullen tone

"Y/N, Sebastian.. - I'm not sure I should be the one to tell you this" He stretches his head.

"Gareth, what are you- fuck" I wince holding my ribs. "What are you talking about?"

Gareth sighs "He is apparently seeing Imelda, has been for some time"

My heart drops, tears well in my eyes "You're lying" I whisper.

Gareth takes his hand away from mine to give me space "Do you want me to leave?"

"No-" I scoot over a bit making room for Gareth, I pat the spot beside me and he crawls to it. I turn over and lay my head on his chest. He starts to play with my hair comforting me. "Why were you so awful to me in Hogsmede ?" i ask.

He pauses, "Truthfully, I have no clue what came over me.. I can't express to you how much I regret it."

"I forgive you.." i pause "But if you ever pull some shit like that again" I threatened.

"I promise" he twirls my hair between his fingers.

//Gareth's POV\\

I wasn't lying to her when I said I was sorry, However it felt like i had lied to the world when i told her i didn't know why..

I had been cursed, used as a puppet. Owned by a master who threatened to cut the strings if i dared to disobey him. I was able to fight the curse, I'm unsure how, I am grateful that I did though.

I do worry however that Sebastian has been turned into his next victim. Sebastian was ready to kill me a week ago, and now he is snogging with Imelda in every corridor of the school, Something is just off.

"Gareth?" Y/N says

"Hmm?" i replied

"Will you stay, even if Poppy tries to kick you out?" she joked

"Yes, I'll stay right here" I lean to her, kissing her forehead.

She drifts off to sleep, I continue to rub her hair. She looked so peaceful, so safe. She needs to stay in this wing for her own good. Good thing is, it takes weeks to mend a lung. I rest my head on the pillow and slowly start to doze off.

~fluff is so nice after all that bs

Those damn brown eyes: A Hogwarts Legacy storyWhere stories live. Discover now