The Undercroft*

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*Mature themes*

I wake up early the next morning, I slip my school skirt on, and my white blouse, loosely tying my tie around my neck. I walk over to the mirror and fix my hair and my collar. I head out of the dorm room, and walk to the great hall. Barely anyone is awake, the common room is dead silent.

I walk towards the stairs to go up to the great hall, passing by some younger students sitting in the halls. As I walk past a few corridors I feel a presence walking behind me, I duck into the next empty classroom, hoping that my follower will keep walking. Gareth pops in behind me, shutting the door.

"Get out!" I shout at him pointing at the door "I want nothing to do with you after your shit last night"

Gareth looks like I offended him "After the shit I pulled?" He scoffs

I pull my shirt to reveal the bruise that he left. "Yeah, the shit you pulled" I fix my shirt and begin to push past him trying to leave the empty room. He grabs me, the same way he did last night. I wince and push him away, my shoulder is now absolutely throbbing "What is your problem Gareth?" i yell

"I want you Y/N" he attempts to say seductively "I'm sorry about last night, something in me snapped" he tried to salvage whatever friendship we had left.

"Please just let me leave" I try to push past him once again. He blocks the door, without touching me this time. "Just tell me you'll consider giving me another chance." he says waiting on an answer

"Fine, whatever" I give in, pushing all the way past leaving the classroom. I quickly walk to the great hall, trying to find Sebastian.

He isn't here yet, So i sit down at the Hufflepuff table  crossing my arms and laying my head down. After five minutes I feel that gentle touch that I've been craving a soft rub on my shoulder. I hold in my wince and lift my head, Sebastian smiling back down at me. He sits down beside me straddling the bench.

"Did you sleep ok?" he asks while moving the hair out of my face. I nod, a smile growing on my face.

I look past Sebastian, and see Gareth walking in. It seemed like he was walking towards us then realized who was sitting with me and kept walking, shooting daggers with his eyes.

Sebastian noticed my eyes dart towards the entrance, looking back at Gareth. His leg starts jumping, you could cut the tension with a knife.

"Can we get elsewhere?" i ask, starting to stand up. I tug his arm and he joins me. We walk to the undercroft, the only place where we won't be around prying eyes. Ominous is already there, sitting on one on the chairs.

"Sebastian? Is that you, who's with you?" He asks looking at the door trying to sense who it is.

"It's Y/N" he says, we walk towards the small loveseat and sit down.

"Ah, Y/n are you ok? I heard a bit about last night"

"Yes i'm fine, Sebastian somehow knew where i was going to be" I say.

Ominous admits "I may have told him about a bit of gossip i heard, and i'm glad i did."

Sebastian wraps his arm around me. He pulls me to him, unknowingly putting pressure on the already throbbing bruise. I wince, peaking his attention towards me. He lifts the collar of my shirt, his face growing more angry.

"What the fuck is that from" He asks, in a very protective tone

"You already handled it" I quickly replied.

"What is it?" Ominous asks

"She's got a giant bruise on her neck!" Sebastian over-exaggerates.

"It's not that bad" I chime in.

Those damn brown eyes: A Hogwarts Legacy storyWhere stories live. Discover now