𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 33 - 𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫

Start from the beginning

"I don't want to talk to him, damn!" I shouted, putting my hands over my ears. I didn't want to listen to them. "Why are you doing this to me?!" I complained.

"I'm sorry, but you two have to talk so that we can finish this mission smoothly and not get fucking shot again! So fucking talk to him, now!" Jin shouted too, trying to convince me to talk to my brother.

"Fuck, I hate you!"

"Me too!"

"Fuck you!"

"Fuck you too!"

We both glared at each other.

"Y'all need to calm the fuck down." Yoongi shook his head in disbelief. "Y/n, please talk to him. We really need it. There's a lot of money involved."

"How much?!"

"At least a million." Jimin responded.

"Will you let me get my drivers license and buy me a new car if I do it?"


"Deal." I stopped sulking and crossed my arms.

"If a car was the only thing you needed, you should've said so."

"I was waiting for an occasion to use that excuse." I looked at him. "But I don't want to talk to him, damn. We can just ignore each other."

"It's a good occasion to sort out your problems with him and finally get over it. I mean, it's not something you get over, but still. You have to tell him, calmly."

"I'm a fucking resentful person."

"We know." They all said in union.

"Fuck you all."

"He's in front of the door."

"Jin, be for real!" I whined. "Fine." I quickly stood up and hurried to the main door, opening it and closing it behind me.

He was standing there, wearing casual clothes and looking handsome. I hate him. "Y/n." He sweetly smiled.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"You know..."

"Yes I do. So talk. I don't have time. Kook and Jimin are waiting for me, so that we can eat together."

He gently smiled and nodded. "Look, I know that I'm shitty brother and that you hate me, but I want you to at least listen to what I have to say. The things I haven't been able to tell you, since we have seen each other again." He sighed. "Y/n, I could not take you with me, knowing that we were both going to sleep on the streets, hustling to find food and money. You know how dangerous it can be outside. I was not sure to be able to protect you and give you all the things a brother could give you. But I never thought that mom would ever do this to you. I'm sorry and I mean it, sweetheart."

I lowered my head and felt some tears building up in my eyes, ready to slide down my cheeks. I did not want to feel this sadness inside me, I didn't want to be reminded of everything that had happened, because it was really painful. I wanted to sob so bad, but bad bitches don't cry, right? Was I even one? I was pretending to be.

I was fucked up, life fucked me up and I was fucking it up even more. I wish I could forgive him that easily, move on and forget everything that happened. Live a happy life with my brother and goodbye, but the thoughts and voices in my head won't let me. Not after all of that.

"I understand." Is all I could say. "I don't want to be reminded of the past everyday. Give me time and may be one day I'll forgive you." I looked at him while saying all of that, still not allowing any tears to come out of my eyes. I did not want to appear weak in front of him.

He gently stepped towards me and hugged me as if I was frail.

I did not hug him back, but let him do it. If he had missed me so much, that was at least the only thing I could let him do.

"Y/n, thank you so much." He held my face with his hands. "I love you and I'm so sorry." He hugged me again, but this time a bit tighter and closer.

I lightly pushed him away from me and looked at him. "If you have anything to do or say to do the boys, do it now. Or whatever." I walked away and finally could take a breath.

I walked in the house and left the door open in case he wanted to come in. I wasn't going to be rude and slam it on his face, he was still my older brother. The irony.

...30 minutes later

"He actually want to raid this place Namjoon, it's not a fucking joke!" My brother exclaimed.

"Is he fucking serious?"

"I'm not playing and my sister lives with you guys. You better do something about it or I'm taking her with me."

"You're not taking me anywhere. You should've taken with me you way sooner, but you ran away. You're not going to do your big brother act right now. It's too late." I glared at him. "This situation is all because of me, so I'll take responsibility."

"You can't take responsibility for shit. You really have no idea."

"Then you should not have showed up of the blue." I shrugged.

"Stop fighting." Namjoon shook his head.

"Y/n, you're coming with me."

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