Christmas at Headquarters Pt. 2

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Everyone smiled and applauded Mr Weasley on his recovery and being grateful to be able to spend another Christmas with him.

Mrs Weasley was so happy that she couldn't contain her joyous laughter as she waved her hands at the table, "Sit down, Everybody. Sit down."

We did as she said, and she made her way over to a nearby shelf, saying, "Now, Presents!"

"And a nice big box for Ron," Arthur stated merrily as Molly handed Ron and Ginny gifts. Then she handed one each to Hermione and me.

"Yes, Big box for him!" His mother repeated giddily, causing everyone at the table to chuckle.

She then held our two gifts towards Fred and George but immediately started crossing them back and forth, trying to remember which present belonged to which twin," And, um—uh, here, uh—ohhhh,"

Fred and George just watched her confusion, with George's arm still outstretched to grab his gift and Fred looking like a child while he waited to receive his.

Fred and George just watched her confusion, with George's arm still outstretched to grab his gift and Fred looking like a child while he waited to receive his

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Giving up on telling them apart, she just handed them each a present and laughed it off. With a clap, she urged everyone to open their gifts, "I want to see your faces."

Ron didn't look so happy when he opened his gift. In fact, he almost looked embarrassed. He glanced at Hermione, who smiled sweetly, staining his cheeks with a light shade of pink before he quickly feigned appreciation when his mum looked at him, "Just what you wanted, actually?"

Nodding, Ron falsely agreed with a smile on his face, "Yeah. Thanks, Mum."

Fred and George received matching scarves and quickly wrapped them around their necks, and I thanked Molly when I opened my gift of knitted gloves.

"C'mon Everyone, Let's clear this away. Oh, Harry! There you are," Mrs Weasley beamed as she walked over to greet him with a hug before handing him a gift, "Happy Christmas."

They exchanged a few more words, and once the presents were removed from the table, Mr Weasley filled his glass before hoisting it into the air, "A toast!"

All the Weasleys, Hermione, and I filled our drinks and raised them in the air. Arthur then continued, "A Christmas toast to...Mr Harry Potter, without whom I would not be here."

Harry's mouth twitched slightly as he gulped, but I'm sure he was still grateful.

"Harry!" Mr Weasley raised his glass a little higher.

Everyone else did the same before repeating in unison, "Harry!"

Sirius, who had walked in at some point, caught his godson's attention when he echoed, "Harry."

Many conversations began as everyone filled their plates with food. Unable to reach the mashed potatoes on the other side of the table, I held my plate towards Fred, "Do you mind putting some potatoes on my plate for me, please?"

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