Chapter 49 - The final show

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It was the night before the final school show. Dance majors at the Academy of Performing Arts had their last training session, which already took place in costumes and on stage. Everything was going smoothly, everyone was confident that they had trained as hard as they could, yet they felt incredible pressure and nervousness. In addition, the speech of one organizer did not add much to their mood.

"And don't forget to sleep well. You must be in top form tomorrow! No staying up late, overeating or getting drunk. You will have plenty of time to celebrate tomorrow after the performance." Hyunjin instructed them sternly.

"Well, if you can't sleep, try going for a walk first, making some hot tea, or something. Everything will turn out well, we worked hard." His co-organizer Felix added, when he saw that Hyunjin only earned the title of oppressor of the year with his words.

So, most of the students slowly started to disperse, and sentences like: "Oh man, what if I screw it up?" "I hope this and that company notices me!" and "I'm not going to sleep tonight, one hundred percent." could be heard in the crowd.

Everyone was worried about something and tried not to fall into a panic mode.

But our two co-organizers felt the greatest anxiety from all of this. They were responsible for everything. In the last few days, they began to doubt again if they did everything right and if their choreography was sufficient, despite the fact that they were reassured not only by Minho, but also by the teaching staff, who approved the choreography during the school year.

Hyunjin had one more thing to worry about on top of all of this. His parents were about to arrive today and stay at a nearby hotel. He's supposed to meet them tonight, and he's even supposed to bring Felix with him, saying they'd love to see him, and once they heard his family is in town as well, they've arranged for everyone to get together.

Felix didn't know how to feel about that. If Hyunjin was going to take such a big step and tell them the truth, it should be an intimate matter just between him and them. On the other hand, he wanted to support him and be there when he needed him. And Hyunjin needed him, he was actually happy for Felix's parents to be there. He thought that maybe his parents would be nicer if they were outnumbered.

He preferred to think about the worst-case scenario rather than the best one. So he could be pleasantly surprised. But he found it highly unlikely that it would go completely smoothly.

So when Felix and Hyunjin got together with their families after training and introduced them to each other at the restaurant of the hotel where Hyunjin's parents were staying, they both didn't feel very comfortable.

Felix was exceptionally happy for his sisters, who all the time lightened the atmosphere with their jokes at Felix's expense. And his parents behaved as if they knew nothing.

Hyunjin thought his parents were in a great mood. It's been a long time since they were in such a big group of people, most of the time they went everywhere just two of them together and sometimes with Hyunjin's aunt. So they were all jokes and a funny stories. But Hyunjin didn't paid attention to that because he was always thinking about the right moment to tell them everything.

Until suddenly his father created a great opportunity for him.

"Felix, I was thinking that I didn't even ask you last time how you and Jin started being friends? Just so you know, Hyunjin isn't exactly a social butterfly." He asked while clarifying the situation to the others.

"Um... Well... I noticed. He didn't really want us to be friends in the beginning." Felix stuttered, looking for help from his boyfriend with his eyes.

"Is it true, Hyunjin? I hope you weren't mean!" His mother scolded him. Hyunjin remembered the scene where he yelled at Felix that everything was his fault and blushed.

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