Chapter 11 - Organizer's duties

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Sunday was the only calm day of this week. No new exchange students threatening your position, no lectures in Korean you didn't understand, and no awkward silences as you drink coffee and try to find common ground with your rival. On one hand, Hyunjin would trade the awkward silence for hearing Jisung throwing up every time he shifted more rapidly on the bed.

"I shouldn't have drunk so much. You should've stopped me." Jisung accused Hyunjin as he came out of the bathroom for the fourth time. Hyunjin didn't even respond to Jisung's whining because his head hurt so much. At least the back pain has now subsided. He lay motionless on the bed and tried to sleep.

And before everyone knew it, it was Monday again.

Felix rushed to the kinesiology class; he was pleased by the fact that he had already found his way around school better and that he already recognized some faces from his year. But the stress took hold of him again when he realized that he probably wouldn't understand the teacher again. As soon as he walked into the classroom and found out he had a class with Hyunjin, his stress level increased even more.

He realized one important thing over the weekend. Even though Hyunjin acts like the biggest diva, Felix developed a crush on him. It was a purely physical attraction, but it still scared Felix that he couldn't control his thoughts in his presence.

So, the silver-haired boy just waved at his co-organizer with a smile and chose a seat somewhere in the front so that he could hear the teacher better and not imagine how the handsome brunette could distract him during the lesson.

Imaginary question marks appeared in Hyunjin's eyes. He thought they had put the previous incident behind them. Moreover, today during the breaks they were supposed to approach other students to join the teams.

"But next time, you'd better talk to someone about that day before you tell me you hate me." In his head, Hyunjin heard a sentence from Felix that he was surprised he remembered considering his state at the time. Evidently Felix didn't accept his apology. Hyunjin got up with a sigh, picked up his school bag and sat next to Felix.



They both prepared their notebooks and textbooks and there was the awkward silence again that had become a habit between them. Hyunjin didn't mind the silence, he didn't find anything unnatural about it. Whereas Felix always tended to fill it.

"How is Jisung?" He finally asked without looking at Hyunjin.

"He's better. All Sunday I heard nothing but that he was dying and that it was all my fault." Hyunjin chuckled slightly at how dramatic Jisung was being. And he dares to tell him that he is a drama queen. Felix finally turned his face to the brunette when he heard his chuckle. He was glad that Hyunjin is back in his everyday look and not looking like he did on Saturday night, when he could win Felix over with one look. Not that he was any less handsome now, but Felix was at least already used to this form.

"Anyway, we're going to go talk to those people during the break, that's what we agreed on, remember?" Hyunjin was reminding him of the reason why the two of them were actually talking together right now.

"Yeah, I remember." Felix agreed.

"We'll go to the freshmen first; they'll be the easiest to recruit." Hyunjin decided, looking at his list of people again.

"Hmm." Felix grunted in agreement and a moment later class started. He felt a sense of relief when he realized that he understood more words than he had originally expected. It also helped quite a bit that Hyunjin pushed his notebook between them during class so that Felix could've get a better view of his notes, as he had been looking at them and secretly copying them before the brunette caught him.

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