Chapter 35 - Worries

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Just as quickly as Hyunjin and Felix's weekend flew by, the following days and weeks began to fly by as well. The weather was getting warmer, everyone pulled out lighter pieces of clothing in the form of shorts, tank tops and dresses from their wardrobes and had nothing else on their minds but the end of the school year and the approaching summer holidays. Hyunjin and Felix would also be looking forward to it if it weren't for the huge responsibility of the final school performance, which only caused them stress. They were really proud of how far they had come and how the performance looked. They were actually ready, but both of them worried it wasn't enough. They were afraid of how the performance would be accepted by others. By teachers from the dance department, students and especially by the public in the form of representatives of companies that could secure their future.

They had such worries with the preparations and again so little time for themselves that they managed to keep their relationship a secret quite easily. Or so they thought. Of course, everyone in their circle of friends had their suspicions, but neither Felix nor Hyunjin confirmed anything, and the others didn't want to question them. Suppressing the fact that it bothered him, Felix wanted to grab Hyunjin's hand in public, kiss him, hug him. But the blond still wasn't up for anything like that. He was overcome with fear. Felix began to have doubts about the relationship, especially when he began to realize that at the end of this school year, his exchange program will also end and thus his stay in Korea.

He must return home. And leave Hyunjin.

Whenever this thought crept into his head, he tried to get rid of it as quickly as possible. They both knew this fact but ignored it, even as it began to loom over them like a dark shadow every time one of the teachers reminded them of their final exam dates, or someone asked Felix how his experience here had been and if he was looking forward to going home.

One warm evening, the two were returning from training and discussing who had performed the best today, when Hyunjin's phone vibrated in his pocket.

"Yes mom?"

Felix fell silent, and even though he didn't want to, he kind of leaned to Hyunjin to hear what Hyunjin's mother said.

"This weekend? And where are you going?" Hyunjin asked into the phone and was silent for a while, letting his mom answer.

"Sure, I don't have a problem with that, it's just..." He continued talking and finally looked at Felix, who just raised his eyebrows curiously, "Could I bring a... um... friend with me?" he added, getting nervous at the word friend. Felix's eyes widened and he began gesticulating wildly at him. Where does he want to take him with him? With his parents? Has he gone mad?

There was a short silence on the phone and then Hyunjin's mother's surprised voice.

"Great, we'll come on Friday evening then. Bye mom, I love you too." He said goodbye and hung up.

"What was that about?" Felix demanded answers to his questions.

"Mom and Dad are going on a wellness weekend, but no dogs are allowed there. So she asked me if I'd come to look after Kkami this weekend." Hyunjin explained to him.

"And the part about the friend?"

"Well, I can't say if I can bring a boyfriend. Not yet." Hyunjin rolles his eyes and Felix started laughing.

"Not that, friend. I meant; you want me to go with you?" He began to smile slowly.

"Yes, sure. You don't want to go?"

"Of course, I want to! It's just... You're probably going to have to introduce me to your parents, aren't you?" Felix asked shyly, biting his lip nervously. This is different than introducing yourself to your friends' parents. Yes, it's always awkward, but these are Hyunjin's parents. He wants to leave a good impression.

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