Chapter 37 - The Hwangs

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Felix was incredibly relieved. Yes, he revealed their secret relationship to someone, but that someone was Chan and Changbin. The guys who spent a lot of time with them were their friends and good people. He trusted them one hundred percent. Plus, he finally had someone to talk to about his feelings. He was afraid to talk about his doubts with Hyunjin because he didn't want it to sound like he was forcing him to come out.

Thanks to the relief he felt after that conversation with the boys, he could finally focus on other things. Right now, for example, he was focused on the fact that in a few moments he would meet Hyunjin's parents for the first time and he had to make the best possible impression.

"You know you didn't have to dress up like that, right?" Hyunjin made fun of his boyfriend. Felix looked incredible. He was wearing plain denim shorts and a white slightly-unbuttoned shirt with rolled up sleeves that Hyunjin had already seen him wearing on New Year's Eve. Although his ear was missing its signature dangling earring, he still had rings and a watch on his hands. Simple, yet classy.

"I want them to like me." Felix admitted as he let Hyunjin guide him to the correct platform at the train station.

"You should only want me to like you." Hyunjin pointed to himself and in the crowd of people discreetly patted Felix on the butt.

"Yeah, but it's kind of related, ya knour? If your parents like me, they won't mind me spending time with their son who already likes me." Felix defended himself and Hyunjin just watched him with a small smile how he takes the whole matter so seriously.

"Do I look stupid? Like I'm trying too hard?" Finally, Felix sighed and began to doubt.

"You look cute. If it wasn't for the fact that my parents will still be there when we arrive, I'd have pounced on you right in the doorway." Hyunjin flattered him in a low voice.

"Hey, that's not what I asked!" Felix slapped him on the shoulder.

"Don't think about it so hard. You look good, my parents are chill, they will like you, don't worry." Hyunjin finally calmed him down, "Now come on, the train is here." He pointed to the arriving train and grabbed Felix as he walked towards it.


"I went to kindergarten here! We live so close to it, and I could sleep longer, but my mom told me that it was nearly impossible to wake me up. We'll be there in a little while." Hyunjin said happily as he pointed to the building where the kindergarten was.

The closer they got to Hyunjin's home, the more Felix's throat tightened, and he felt sick to his stomach. When they were already at the door of the apartment, he swallowed dryly and quickly smoothed his shirt. Hyunjin looked at Felix who looked like he was going to die at any moment and quickly squeezed his hand for courage before he heard the approaching barking and footsteps from behind the door.

His mother appeared at the door, looking somewhat distracted at first glance. She was holding her purse in one hand and some clothes in the other, and she had a curler in her bangs.

"Hey mom, this is-" Hyunjin wanted to point at Felix and properly introduce him, instead his mom grabbed both of their arms and pulled them into the apartment.

"Hurry up and get in here or I'm going to go crazy." She urged them as they took off their shoes and Felix had no idea what was going on.

"That's normal, mom never goes anywhere. She has pre-travel stress." Hyunjin rolled his eyes at Felix, and he just shyly smiled back.

"Don't be rude, I'm still your mom. You must be Felix, right? Nice to meet you." She scolded Hyunjin and finally turned to Felix and when she threw away her purse, she shook his hand.

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