Chapter 33 - Boyfriend

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The sun was pleasantly warm, just enough for you to unzip your winter jackets and coats on your walk after a long winter. That's exactly what the two boys did, who went out to enjoy some sunshine after morning full of cuddles. They were sitting on the bench and Felix was holding his cup of hot coffee in his hand, which he only learned to drink here thanks to Hyunjin and the endless study load, and with his eyes closed he positioned his freckled face to the sun.

"You look like a fairy." Hyunjin breathed out in amazement, unable to take his eyes off the freckled boy. Felix's perfect bare face with a slight smile on his lips and the trees coming back to life after winter in the background made Hyunjin capture the moment on his phone.

"Hmm? What?" Felix finally got what Hyunjin was saying and started laughing as he saw the blond lovingly looking at the photo he just took.

"A Fairy! My angel!" Hyunjin continued to flatter him as he put his hand on his heart dramatically.

"What are you saying?" Felix continued to giggle shyly and began to punch him in the shoulder to get him to stop. Hyunjin grabbed his wrist, quickly looked around and planted a quick kiss on his lips. Felix returned the kiss lovingly, but it still felt strange when the blond had to look around before, so nobody could see them.

Almost as if he was ashamed of him. Yes, they had cleared up the whole Jae situation and Felix decided to continue to be patient, but it wasn't easy for him. Sensing the sudden change in mood, Hyunjin squeezed Felix's thigh encouragingly before taking a long sip of his coffee.

"What are you thinking about again, Sunshine?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"It's nothing, we're not going to spoil our day." He answered and smiled widely at him. Hyunjin just sighed but didn't argue further. He also didn't want to deal with it and spoil such a beautiful walk.

"Where are we going now? Shall we go somewhere to eat?" Felix immediately changed the subject and jumped to his feet.

"Alright, I'll show you the place Jisung and I used to go a lot in freshman year when we were learning to get along." Hyunjin laughed at the precious memories and stood up from the bench as well.

"And you can tell me how you became a 'rap better dance better' duo,"

"What? Someone is calling us like that?" He was surprised.

"I'd say Jisung came up with it himself. You know him."

The blond just shook his head, of course Jisung came up with it, who else is even more dramatic than Hyunjin. He thought about what Jisung already told everyone and began to tell the story from his point of view. He told Felix about how they had their first conflict maybe ten minutes after introducing themselves to each other as roommates. Hyunjin was kind of messy and immediately started to stretch out quite a bit in the room. Jisung was no different, in fact they were quite similar in this, so they quickly started arguing over which of the two was making a bigger mess. He then told Felix about the incident that probably started the 'dance better rap better' duo. About that legendary dance rehearsal, where he scolded Jisung that he should focus better and dance better, after which Jisung told him that this is not his main focus and if he is so smart, he should try rapping better. It ended up that the other classmates had to hold them apart so they wouldn't hurt each other. Felix just laughed the whole time and claimed that he wasn't really surprised Jisung fought with him, after which Hyunjin took offense at him.

"Come on, Jinnie, you yourself have to admit that it's not always easy with you." Felix told him when they were already sitting at the table booth in the restaurant and waiting for their food.

"Lixie, you have to admit it's not always easy to be around Jisung." Hyunjin complained, puffing out his cheeks.

"Fine, sometimes he's too much." Felix nodded, glad to be spoken to again. After a while, the waitress brought meat and vegetables to the grill for the boys, and while Felix was grilling a piece of pork belly, he giggled.

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