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Udo shouted to them, "J'ai des amis avec moi." I have friends with me. He stepped out and motioned for Alexeï and Eren to follow.

Upon seeing a German officer, Zofia, Falco, and Gabi all pulled out their tiny knives and cried out, "Que fait-il ici?" What is he doing here?

Udo held up his hands to stop them. "C'est d'accord ... j-je pense." It's okay ... I think. The bespectacled boy looked back to Alexeï, finally showing how worried he was and wondering why the old man was with a Wehrmacht officer, of all people.

Alexeï approached the children with a gentle, calming smile. "Il est avec moi. Cet Allemand aide la Résistance." He's with me. This German is helping the Resistance.

Gabi's mouth dropped in shock. "Un traître?" A traitor? She lowered her knife and asked Eren in German, "Kämpfen Sie für die Befreiung Frankreichs von den deutschen Unterdrückern?" Are you fighting for the liberation of France from the German oppressors?

Eren's mouth opened, unsure what to say. German oppressors? They won the Battle of France fair and square! If anything, he felt that Germany had been quite generous with their treatment of the French citizens.

Well, most of them. Not Jews.

"He helps however he can," Alexeï explained in German, so Eren would also understand him. "He was with Levi Ackerman when the Resistance was raided."

"Is it true, then?" asked Falco, and he looked distraught. "My brother..."

"He did not fire his gun. His hands are clean."

"But he was still there. He still let it happen." Falco gritted his teeth in frustration. "I hate that I can't stop this."

Alexeï placed a hand on the boy's shoulder. "No single person can stop an entire war, but we can at least save lives. Right now, Levi needs this soldier's help. You three should head back to school."

"We can help!" Gabi insisted.

"You've helped enough, ma chère fille," said Alexeï. "Meet me tomorrow at the bookstore. We'll have many guests."

"The Resistance?" Falco asked in eagerness. "Did they survive?"

"Thirteen total were killed."

Zofia looked to Udo. "How many were there?"

Udo looked grieved. "After I left, and not counting Yelena, there were twenty-five."

Falco looked anguished as he whispered in shock, "Half of them are dead."

Gabi sternly insisted, "Half are alive, including the leader. With Levi around, and with us helping, we can still fight!"

Udo shook his head. "Levi won't allow us. He doesn't want anyone underage to fight."

"To hell with him!" Gabi cried out. "We will fight whether he likes it or not."

"All right," Alexeï said with a soft chuckle. "Back to school so you don't get in trouble. You too," he said to Udo. "Tomorrow, try to bring extra food in your lunches to help feed our guests."

"Someone should watch your back," said Gabi. "They won't get me into trouble because of my parents. I can guard you."

"I'll be fine. Look!" Alexeï said, waving to Eren. "I have this young German officer escorting me through the dangerous streets to go check on a widow."

Gabi glared again at Eren. "I don't trust you, you German pig."

Falco pulled her back. "Be nice. He's helping, just like I am." He looked up apologetically to Eren. "I'm sorry about her. She gets a little ... intense ... but she means well." Then he pulled on Gabi's arm. "Come on, we're really going to be in trouble now."

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