Chapter 7 - Answers

Start from the beginning

"I see you have brought a friend. I assume he knows about your power?" he asked, nodding towards Sebastian.
"Yes. I trust him. He helped me find the pensive Isidora left behind." I explained, looking at Sebastian as I did so.
He just stood there, taking in the situation.
His arms were crossed as he looked between me and Professor Rackham, not really sure on how to react. Like he was looking at me to tell him.

"He wanted to join me when I came to see you" I quickly spoke, trying to evade the awkward silence as Sebastian was now forming a glare as his eyes settled on the portrait.
"And why have you come?" Rackham asked in anticipation, his voice monotone once again.

I took a deep breath, knowing that this was either going to be the best or worst idea i've had.
But I was definitely grateful that only Professor Rackham was here. I felt like he would be more understanding than the others.

"Recently, I have started having very vivid dreams involving the potential of my magic and how it can help people. But they feel like someone else's desires rather than my own." I tried to explain briefly, looking at Rackham to see his reaction.
He seemed to ponder for a moment, not seeming quite surprised when I told him.
"Was Isidora there?" he asked, finally looking back at me.
I nodded, not sure if I should add anything.
Did he know what I was talking about?

He sighed, seeming disappointed. Which indicated that he did in fact know.
Of course.
"When Ranrok opened the repository, I had a feeling that something like this would happen" he began, to which Sebastian and I exchanged a confused look.
"Like what would happen?" Sebastian finally piped up, already possessing an aggravated tone.
"Well, when I was close to death, I felt like my ability to use ancient magic was slipping away, but that was not the case" he began "After a while, I realised that it was not leaving me, rather, it wanted to be released." he took in the still very confused expressions Sebastian and I shared, and decided to elaborate.
"Through this I discovered that ancient magic does not disappear with the wizard when they die. Rather, it practically acts as a form of immortality as it carries their will and lingers wherever the weilder put it. Or-"
"Or where they died" I whispered, barely believing it myself.
I stepped back as I finally realised what had happened.
"But surely that's impossible, I sealed the repository again" I insisted, but Professor Rackham just shook his head.
"You only aimed to seal the repository. You wouldn't have noticed if it was never meant to be there to begin with" he explained, making my heart sink.

"Can someone please explain to me what you're talking about?" Sebastian snapped, not knowing the missing piece that makes the story complete.
I turned to him, my eyes wide as I now knew what was happening.
"Isidora was killed with the final repository. Her magic was released when she died and it must have mixed with the repository. When Ranrok released it, her magic got out too. The magic that carries her will"
Sebastian still looked confused as ever, but he did seem a bit more shocked as well.

"But what does that mean?" he asked, looking between Professor Rackham and I.
"It means that Isidora's magic is somewhere in the world right now, carrying out her will in its dark uses. Due to the way she used it, it has most likely taken an unpredictable form, and will only grow stronger the more pain she takes." Rackham answered, which caused Sebastian to finally click.
"But why the dreams?" he wondered, something which I wanted to know myself.
"The consciousness remaining in her will probably know that it is limited in its form. Which is why the magic usually needs to be placed in an object. So if she manages to recruit you, her capabilities would be endless" Rackham clarified.

"So you're saying that she's being targeted?" Sebastian stepped forward, seemingly angry now
"In a way, yes" Rackham agreed, his voice remaining calm, which only seemed to further Sebastian's anger.
"Yes? That's all you can say? She came to you for help. Is there nothing more you can do?" Sebastian insisted.
I looked at him in surprise. I hadn't imagined him getting so worked up over this.
The look on his face made me regret letting him come. He looked... desperate.

Echoes of Emotion (Sebastian Sallow x OC)Where stories live. Discover now