Chapter 41

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Stevie's POV

"Jesus Christ!" I scream as I'm running for my life, jumping over vines and broken pieces of objects. "What even are you?!" I ask rhetorically to what look like mutant bats flying right at me, on the search for blood, and all I get back is screeches. Not that I was expecting them to speak anyway but in this place? You can't be sure.

I turn my head to keep an eye on them as I run and see one extremely close to me so I duck, the bat flying over my head and going straight into a trailer wall. "HA!" I exclaim as I watch it drop to the ground.

"Dumb ass bats." I scoff, sprinting back to Eddie's trailer and slamming the door shut, hearing the bats attack the door as I slump down against it and raise my arms to my head, enveloping myself just incase they get through. After 30 minutes, the noise stops and I slowly stand up, looking out the windows and seeing nothing. "Thank you god." I sigh, leaning against the counter and closing my eyes as I count to ten, catching my breath.

I don't know how long i've been stuck in fake Hawkins but what I do know, is that it feels like forever. God knows how many days merged into one because of the lack of sleep I'm getting, too busy keeping my eyes peeled just incase.

Everytime I look into one of the vine covered mirrors in Eddie's trailer, theres at least one new cut on my body, half of the time I don't even know where they come from.

Like right now, I'm looking in the mirror and can hardly recognise myself. The lack of food and water has made my body look frail and extremely dehydrated, traces of dried blood on my face and I'm my hair, eyes sunken in and the bags underneath them look like they'd be too large to be accepted onto a plane but the only thing going through my mind is Dustin, Eddie and everyone else.

Are they okay?

Has the real Hawkins become this too?

The only thing keeping me going is the fact that I might get home one day. I've tried finding a way out but every time I leave the trailer, monsters come running for me. As if they want to keep me in here and they only try getting into to the trailer for exactly 30 minutes and then they disappear.

I've been attacked by the mutant bats, creatures that run on four legs and some tall and thin, almost human looking, slimy things with abnormally long limbs. Their heads lacking facial features until its 'face' opens up like a flower to reveal what look like petals, lined with sharp teeth and a large open mouth. It's arms and legs ending in sharp claws, making it hard for me to not get hurt while attempting to fight one like I stupidly did 20 minutes ago, it sliced my stomach open pretty badly but nothing one of Eddie's t-shirts, a bottle of vodka that I found in Karen Wheelers stash in her house and a first aid kit couldn't fix, even though I almost died getting to and from the Wheelers but at least I can clean and stitch up my wounds.

I only went to the Wheelers house to get the first aid kit because I looked everywhere in Eddie's trailer, couldn't find one anywhere, neither does Max's and I'm uncomfortable going into the other trailers because I don't want to invade the owners privacy in the real Hawkins.

Speaking of the vodka, I've been using it to clean up the blood and cuts on my face when I have the energy to do so, which is not now but I'm still trying.

I have to.

But since being stuck here, I've started to smell like I've taken a few baths in Vodka, if Steve is the one to find me then he'll definitely have something to say about it, assume I have a drinking problem or something.

I trudge into the kitchen in the trailer and grab the bottle from the counter, the first aid kit and a wooden spoon, before going into Eddie's room and picking up another t-shirt without even looking at it.

I sit on the bed, taking my shirt off and picking up Eddie's shirt to soak it in vodka but then I see what shirt it is and immediately put it back in and grab a different one.

I can't ruin his Hellfire shirt. Even if it is a different version, he'd murder me. But it's also the main thing that reminds me of him and Dustin and I don't want it covered in blood.

I sit back down and soak the new shirt, placing it on the smaller cuts before taking a deep breath and putting the wooden spoon in my mouth, biting down on it and placing the soaked shirt on the large cut, screaming bloody murder as it touches it. I bite down harder on the spoon and start swiping the wound gently while breathing in and out as if I'm in labour or something.

"Slow down you're doing fine, you can't be everything you wanna be before your time..." I try to sing softly, distracting myself from the burning of the alcohol seeping into my open skin as I hold the shirt against it in an attempt to stop the bleeding. "Ah you fucking cock sucker." I hiss angrily when it burns a lot more than it usually does. Then again, I haven't been hurt this bad before. I remove the shirt and look down at the stomach wound that's definitely going to leave a nasty scar and is bleeding all over the place. "Fuck fuck fuck." I start basically chanting and I try my best to stop the bleeding.

By the time I've stitched it up, I've lost a considerably large amount of blood and have started to feel tired, very tired, but I don't want to eat anything because I don't trust it here. Maybe a few hours of sleep won't won't hurt but i cant risk it.

I tie a shirt around my waist, to keep pressure on the wound and take Eddie's guitar off the wall. If I distract myself with playing, I can stay awake.

I sit on the bed, my back against the headboard and begin playing simple chords, humming a random tune along with it and I feel my eyes getting heavy, my skin becoming cold and I shake my head. "Stay awake, Stevie." I mumble, my fingers now missing the frets on the guitar neck, fumbling with the strings and I lean my head back against the headboard, arms going limp as they wrap around the guitar. "S-stay awake." I slur, my eyes closing and within seconds, I can safely say;

I didn't stay awake.


A/N •

Hi!! This isn't edited and barely even proofread and I wrote it in like two hours because we're both so deep into college assignments that we're juggling them and the book BUT we're not taking a break from Vienna so don't worry!

In conclusion, if you saw any grammar mistakes, no you didn't xoxo - Charlie

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