Chapter 19

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Stevie's POV

"Hopper isn't going to murder you, Eddie." I groan, listening to the man panic.

"He might! What if we break up? He can literally kill me but because he's the chief of police, he won't charge himself. But me? I'll be buried underneath his floor boards." Eddie explains, flailing his arms around as he exaggerates in the front seat.

"We can't break up." I say simply and he scoffs, glancing at me as I drive.

"Steady on, other Henderson. What if I decide I don't like you anymore? End up thinking you're weird? I might get-"

"I meant we can't break up because we aren't together." I cut him off and he furrows his eyebrows, looking over at me like I've just said something inconceivable. 

"Yes we are." He states.

"No we're not."

"We fucking are."

"You haven't asked buddy, we're not." I smirk, parking the car and getting out.

I hope to god he's gonna get the hint.

"But we've made out! Many times, it gets pretty steamy. And now I'm sleeping with you!" He yells as he enters the house.

Apparently, he didn't get the hint.

"You guys are having sex?!" I hear my little brother scream and my eyes immediately widen.

"No!" We both exclaim in sync.

I can feel my cheeks burning red just at the thought of it.

"He means he's staying the night." I finish and Dustin nods, letting out a breath.

"What's he doing here?" Another voice chimes in and I turn to the kitchen to see none other than Eddie's biggest fan.

Steve Harrington.

This is gonna be good.

"We've just established that I'm staying the night, dumb ass." Eddie mocks, walking into the living room and collapsing onto the couch.

"God, I hate him." Steve groans, "What do you even see in him?" He asks, placing his hands on his hips.

"Dude give it a rest, I like him. Get over it." I huff, pushing past him to get to the fridge.

"I know you do! All I want to know is why? He isn't exactly the best guy in Hawkins, in fact, he's the worst. Other than Jason Carver."

"Steve. Leave it alone."

"Listen to her Harrington. Didn't you see what she did to Jason Carver?" Eddie calls out from the other room.

"Is he pissing me off on purpose? Is this the best friend vs boyfriend fight?"

"We get it, Steve." Eddie shrugs, walking into the kitchen and throwing his arm around Steve's shoulder with a smirk. "You're in love with my girl, it's understandable."

Steve and I look at each other for a second and then burst into laughter.

"I am not!"

"He is not!" I exclaim through fits of giggles at the same time as Steve.

"Oh god, tell me he's not." Dustin groans, rubbing his face.

"Oh but he is." Eddie says, sitting down at the dining table and kicking his feet up. "Just look at the facts, everywhere Stevie goes, Steve Harrington is close behind."

"Not true-"

"He's always in this house. He'll just walk in, won't call ahead. He's even here when Stevie isn't."

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